Hi All,

After upgrading my server to the latest version, my log file is broken.

For example I see UTF-8 as special characters.

I check the readme but the sanitizelogfiles 2 doesn't seems to work as
I have in my configuration:

set        debug                                true
ns_logctl  severity "Debug(sql)"                on

Any ideas?

Here is example:
:    ],is_break_pcols)) as hrs_wo_break
:    FROM wt_payroll_analysis_pp
:     join (select sid,agg_array(case when is_break_pcol=true then 99999
else 0 end) as is_break_pcols
:    \x09\x09\x09from ( select * from wt_et_cols_defs where sid=410000
 order by  pcol_number )pc_defs group by sid) pdefs using (sid)
:    \x09\x09\x09\x09WHERE sid=410000 and employee_id =40599
:    \x09\x09\x09\x09and  to_date(pp_year||'-'||pp||'-01','yyyy-mm-dd')
 between to_date('2023-6-01','yyyy-mm-dd')- interval '6 month'
:    \x09\x09\x09\x09\x09\x09\x09and ( to_date('2023-6-01','yyyy-mm-dd')  -
interval '1 day' )::date
:    \x09\x09\x09\x09UNION
:    \x09\x09\x09\x09 select
as day,null2zero(hrs_wo_break)*3600
:    \x09\x09\x09\x09                                from pp_pa_table
:    \x09\x09\x09\x09) ggg
:    \x09\x09\x09\x09group by  sid,employee_id,pp,pp_year


On Mon, May 1, 2023 at 6:55 PM Gustaf Neumann <neum...@wu.ac.at> wrote:

> Dear all,
> I am glad to announce that the release of NaviServer 4.99.25 is
> available at SourceForge [1].  This release is mostly a bug-fix
> release. The forthcoming version 5.0 of NaviServer will contain
> several new features omitted in this bug-fix branch. In case, you are
> building NaviServer from the Bitbucket repository, please note that
> the release 4.99.25 is in the branch release/4.99 (bug fix branch for
> the NaviServer 4.99 family). New development happens in the "main"
> branch of the repository, leading to NaviServer 5.*.
> See below for a summary of the changes.
> Many thanks to the contributors of this release:
>      Andrew Piskorski
>      Antonio Pisano
>      Brian Fenton
>      Gustaf Neumann
>      Hector Romojaro
>      Joe Oldak
>      Khy Huang
>      Oleg Oleinick
>      Zoran Vasiljevic
> All the best!
> -gustaf neumann
> [1] https://sourceforge.net/projects/naviserver/files/naviserver/4.99.25/
> =======================================
> NaviServer 4.99.25, released 2023-05-01
> =======================================
>  132 files changed, 3957 insertions(+), 2068 deletions(-)
> New Features:
> -------------
>  - Added meta-information to configuration values
>    NaviServer can now report, what configuration values provided in
>    the configuration file were actually used, what their default
>    values are, and whether these values were specified or not (using
>    the default values). With this information, administration
>    (e.g. migration) becomes easier. The NaviServer module "nsstats"
>    shows this meta information via the web interface.
>    This functionality is provided via the new option "-filter" for the
>    command "ns_configsection ... section". When the "-filter" option
>    is used, different kinds of information about the parameters is
>    returned from the specified section.
>     "-filter unread":
>         Returns the parameters, which were set during configuration (i.e.,
>         in the configuration file) but which were not read in the startup
>         phase of the server. This option is useful to determine
>         e.g. typographical errors of specified parameter names.
>     "-filter defaulted":
>         Returns the parameters, from which the default values were read
>         (i.e., which were not explicitly set)
>     "-filter defaults":
>         Returns the defaults of the parameter. This is useful for
>         contrasting the actual values with the default values for
>         Parameters, e.g. in a web based interface.
>  - ns_set reform (per default deactivated in 4.99, but activated in 5.*)
>    The classical implementation for ns_sets uses separately malloced
>    storage for every attribute name and attribute value. So, e.g., for
>    1000 ns_sets with 20 members each, this means 1,000*20*2 = 40,000
>    malloc/free operations, e.g., for a single db query! Although the
>    malloc implementations have improved over the years, these will
>    require many lock operations, especially under load, where many
>    threads might perform many concurrent malloc operations. One other
>    consequence is that the allocated memory will be scattered over
>    address space, which has bad implications for CPU caching.
>    The new implementation uses for one "ns_set" a single Tcl_DString
>    keeping all attribute names and attribute values. This reduces the
>    malloc operations and improves memory locality, such that cache
>    hits will improve.
>    One caveat of this change is that modules using "ns_set" have to be
>    recompiled, since the full C-level data structure of the "ns_set"
>    is exposed. Therefore, adding a member causes a binary
>    incompatibility. One other potential problem is that C-level
>    modules using the Ns_Set* API have to make sure that long-living
>    string values are copied (this was necessary before as well, but
>    was in many cases no problem, when the "ns_sets" were seldom
>    updated).
>    For high compatibility, this feature is deactivated per default in
>    the 4.99.* series and can be activated by setting the compile-time
>    C macro "NS_SET_DSTRING".
> API changes:
> ------------
>    API extensions:
>     - Provide a new interface ending with *Sz to provide string sizes.
>       This reduces the need of strlen() operations.
>       * Ns_SetCreateSz()
>       * Ns_SetIUpdateSz()
>       * Ns_SetPutSz()
>       * Ns_SetPutValueSz()
>       * Ns_SetUpdateSz()
>     - New API calls for "ns_set" reform
>       * Ns_SetClearValues(): clear the values for all keys
>       * Ns_SetDataPrealloc(): creating ns_sets with preallocated values
>         to avoid resize operations
>       * NsSetResize()
>       * NsHeaderSetGet()
>     - Ns_ConfigSet(const char *section, const char *key, const char *name)
>       The last argument is new and allows one to create named sets
>       (previously, all such sets were unnamed)
>     - NsHexPrint(): Print the potentially binary content of a buffer
>       in human-readable form.
>     - Ns_RelativeTime(Ns_Time *relTimePtr, Ns_Time *timePtr)
>       This call implements the inverse operation of Ns_AbsoluteTime(),
>       and is used mostly to make debug messages eye-friendly.
> Performance Improvements:
> -------------------------
>  - Replaced malloc operation per log entry by thread local variable in
>    system log implementation.
>  - When NaviServer 4.99.25 is compiled with NS_SET_DSTRING supportm
>    the following preliminary performance results were measured from
>    the "ns_set" reform (see above).  The tests were performed on
>    openacs.org (Xeon Gold 6226R CPU @ 2.90GHz, 32 cores,
>    hyper-threading enabled). The test executes the SQL query
>         select * from acs_objects limit 1000
>    100 times in sequence. This test is run in 1 to 30 concurrent
>    threads. With 30 threads, 3mio tuples are retrieved, and 72 mio
>    malloc/free operations are needed alone for the retrieved values.
>    Before (classical ns_set with many mallocs):
>         threads 1 total 4606.787 ms avg 3285.25 ms
>         threads 5 total 4595.358 ms avg 3493.07 ms
>         threads 10 total 4804.193 ms avg 3755.93 ms
>         threads 20 total 6279.524 ms avg 4569.16 ms
>         threads 30 total 8966.427 ms avg 6618.58 ms
>    After reform (using common Tcl_DString per tuple):
>         threads 1 total 4524.645 ms avg 3242.54 ms
>         threads 5 total 4251.266 ms avg 3450.09 ms
>         threads 10 total 4656.795 ms avg 3665.31 ms
>         threads 20 total 5934.105 ms avg 4671.38 ms
>         threads 30 total 7384.591 ms avg 5642.76 ms
>    To summarize, the improvement increases under higher load (with
>    more parallel threads). E.g., with 30 threads, the total time
>    improved by 17%.... leading also to a smaller RSS. These tests were
>    not performed under "clinical" conditions.
>    The new Tcl API call "ns_set size" can be used to pre-allocate
>    larger ns_sets, such that the usual Tcl_DString growing policy does
>    not kick in, reducing further realloc() operations.
> Bug Fixes:
> ----------
>  - Fixed potential crash in "ns_accesslog extendedheaders XXXX".
>    Setting extended headers via configuration file was correct, but
>    changing it dynamically via "ns_accesslog extendedheaders .." was
>    broken. (Issue https://sourceforge.net/p/naviserver/bugs/91/)
>  - "ns_conn location": Fixed potential race condition
>     It was possible that "ns_conn location" could return inconsistent
>     results in a single request, when the underlying sockPtr was
>     aggressively reused. Now, the value of the location member is
>     copied to the connection structure instead of being shared with
>     the socket structure (as before).
>  - "ns_cache_eval -force": Fixed potential race condition
>     There was a problem with "ns_cache_eval -force", where the system
>     relied on the existence of a pre-existing entry, but in case the
>     entry was flushed in the meantime problems a crash might have
>     happened. Now the value during the "-force" call is cleared exactly
>     like in the case of an unset operation. The null-value operations
>     are already protected until these are finished in various places
>     in the code.
>  - "ns_socknread": Fix potentially wrong result for buffered channels
>  - Bug fixes for problems showing up under MS Windows:
>     * Make sure that the output variable of Ns_ObjvIndex() is always an
>       integer. Previously, the output variable was in two places a
>       character variable, causing crashes under MS Windows.
>     * Handle incompatibility in setlocale() under MS Windows.  Under
>       MS Windows, later calls to setlocale() overwrite the string
>       returned by former calls. So, it is necessary to copy of the
>       returned string of a setlocale() call under MS Windows.
>     * Handling linking problems: MS Windows requires explicit handling
>       when importing symbols from .dll files (Ns_LogSqlDebug,
>       NS_intTypePtr)
>     * Pass error codes from low-level function SockRecv() and
>       SockSend() via variables.  This change makes sure the real error
>       code (immediately after the I/O operation) is passed to the
>       caller to avoid missed error cases and weird error message
>       (e.g. under windows).
>  - Bug fixes for ADP parser:
>     * Support for greater than sign ">" inside attribute values.
>       Previously, NaviServer determined the terminating end-of-tag
>       character as literally the first greater than sign, no matter if
>       this was used as attribute values between single or double
>       quotes.
>       The new version supports such values, since the "Living Standard
>       of HTML" [1] allows the use of less than "<" and greater than
>       ">" signs inside attribute values as long these are between
>       single or double quotes.  The guide [2] just recommends using
>       character escapes for "<", ">" and "&".
>       [1] 
> https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/syntax.html#syntax-attribute-value
>       [2] https://www.w3.org/International/questions/qa-escapes
>       This problem was reported by Wolfgang Winkler
>     * Clear ADP flags in case of errors (this error was present for
>       many years)
>       Previously, The following ADP page could lead to a full
>       breakdown of the server, since the error states of the server
>       were never cleared, and subsequent requests served be the same
>       interpreter could lead to the old error states.
>       Many thanks to Oleg Oleinick for reporting and the great test
>       cases.
>  - Provide better HTTP status code for early errors: When the driver
>    terminates already a request, it might be the case that the error
>    flags were not read out. In such cases, we provide now more
>    specific status codes rather than 400.
>  - ns_http:
>    * Improved robustness with domain names resolving against many IP
>      addresses: When a domain name is resolved against many IP
>      addresses, and all these IP addresses block (connect returns "in
>      progress") then the old code might have looped infinitely. Now
>      the code respects the provided timeout (default set to 5s) per
>      resolved IP address.
>      Many thanks to Joe Oldak for pointing out the problem and
>      leading us to the solution.
>    * Fixed timeout handling during TLS handshake: This problem could
>      appear, when the TCP connection to a server succeeded quickly,
>      but the TLS handshake was taking a long time, without a raising
>      a timeout exception, although the timeout time has expired.
>  - Set the default server before the init-scripts is called to make it
>    accessible from there
>  - Provide compatibility between in-memory and file-based form-data
>    handling for invalid characters: Since the file based
>    implementation uses a fallback-charset of iso8859-1 when parsing
>    form data in POST requests (in order to be able to extract
>    "_charset_" data), the in-memory based variant does now the
>    same. The decision of which parser is used is taken based on the
>    size of the form data.... and should therefore be consistent.
>  - nscp: Fixed problem, when the nscp module is activated but no
>    "users" section is specified. Many thanks to Andrew Piskorski for
>    reporting the problem.
>  - Security Improvement: Added protection against sneaking in fake
>    NAME.tmpfile entries into form fields, when performing file upload
>    operations.
> Documentation improvements:
> ---------------------------
>  - Improved the following man pages:
>        doc/src/manual/adp-overview.man
>        doc/src/manual/tcl-lib-nstrace.man
>        doc/src/naviserver/commandlist.man
>        doc/src/naviserver/ns_adp.man
>        doc/src/naviserver/ns_adp_ctl.man
>        doc/src/naviserver/ns_config.man
>        doc/src/naviserver/ns_conn.man
>        doc/src/naviserver/ns_connchan.man
>        doc/src/naviserver/ns_cookie.man
>        doc/src/naviserver/ns_crypto.man
>        doc/src/naviserver/ns_http.man
>        doc/src/naviserver/ns_ictl.man
>        doc/src/naviserver/ns_locationproc.man
>        doc/src/naviserver/ns_parsehostport.man
>        doc/src/naviserver/ns_return.man
>        doc/src/naviserver/ns_set.man
>        doc/src/naviserver/ns_setprivileges.man
> Configuration Files:
> --------------------
>  - New feature for the sample configuration file openacs-config.tcl
>    The following variables (with prefix oacs_) can be taken from the
>    shell variables. This makes it easier to run similar variants of
>    NaviServer instances from a single configuration file, while
>    providing variables from the command line. This is e.g. useful for
>    Docker or cluster setups.
>        CookieNamespace
>        bindir
>        cachingmode
>        db_host
>        db_name
>        db_port
>        db_user
>        homedir
>        hostname
>        httpport
>        httpsport
>        ipaddress
>        logroot
>        nscpport
>        server
>        serverroot
>        smtpdport
>    One can use e.g.the following command to change some ports and the
>    log file during startup
>     oacs_httpport=8000 oacs_httpsport=8443 oacs_smtpdport=2526 \
>         oacs_logroot=/var/www/XXXX/log-node1/ \
>         /usr/local/ns/bin/nsd -t /var/www/XXXX/etc/openacs-config.tcl ...
>    - further updates for openacs-config.tcl:
>       * Added sample nssmtpd configuration
>       * Added placeholder for ClusterSecret
>       * Reflect recent Oracle requirements (tested with Oracle 19c)
>       * Added documentation for "StaticCSP", "CookieNamespace",
>         "NsShutdownWithNonZeroExitCode", "LogIncludeUserId"
>    - Updated all sample configuration files
> Code Changes:
> -------------
>  - Added and updated predefined MIME types based on
>     https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/media-types.xhtml
>  - Added compile time macro NS_VERBOSE_MALLOC to identify frequent
>    *alloc operations
>  - Print version of zlib during startup
>  - OpenSSL maintenance:
>     * Improved robustness for OCSP with OpenSSL 3.*
>       The previous version crashed with OpenSSL 3.*, when OCSP was
>       tried on self-signed certificates. Aside of the fact that OCSP
>       does not make sense for self-signed certificates, the server
>       should not crash in such situations.
>     * Fixed ns_crypto::aead::encrypt/decrypt test under OpenSSL 1.1.1
>       (as shipped per default, e.g. on Ubuntu 18.04.4)
>       In short, the problem was that with this version of OpenSSL,
>       setting empty additional authenticated data (AAD) behaved
>       differently from other versions, namely it was clearing
>       incorrectly (forgetting) the information that the initialization
>       vector (IV) was already set. An upgrade of OpenSSL fixed the
>       problem. However, with these changes, also the stock version of
>       OpenSSL can be used. As a byproduct, better error messages are
>       now produced, the code received more cleanup (e.g. explicit
>       initialization, etc.)
>  - Automated testing:
>     * Setup if Bitbucket + GitHub pipelines for automated regression
>       testing with multiple versions of components
>       For NaviServer 4.99 the current setup performs tests with gcc-10
>       + gcc-11, Tcl 8.6.13 + 8.7a5, NSF 2.4,0 + 2.4.0, tDOM 0.9.1 +
>       0.9.3, extra modules: nsdbpg nsdbi nsdbipg nsudp nscoap nssmtpd.
>       https://github.com/nm-wu/naviserver-mirror/actions
>     * Improved robustness of regression test when running with the
>       docker networking setup
>     * Force nonzero exit code when regression test fails
>     * Added parameter "-timeout" to call of regression test cases
>       Previously, the timeout was hard-wired to 3 seconds. One can now
>       call a test with e.g. "nstest::http -timeout 1s ... GET ..."
>     * adp_compress.test: removed trailing newline to ease
>       cross-platform regression tests
>     * Prefer standard Tcl test constraint "macOrUnix" over own solution
>     * Extended regression tests with more test cases
>  - Code management:
>     * Changed name of branch from "master" to "main"
>  - Code Cleanup
>      * Improved type cleanness
>      * Removed deprecated calls to "sprintf"
>      * Improved portability for Tcl 8.7* (handling of binary data)
>  - Improved comments, fixed typos
> Changes in NaviServer Modules:
> ==============================
>  39 files changed, 9658 insertions(+), 1781 deletions(-)
> General:
>   Adjust to necessary API changes in NaviServer (contains as well
>   support for the forthcoming release of NaviServer 5)
> nsdbpg:
> -------
>   - new pg-driver specific command: ns_pg_prepare /sql/
>     Return a dict building a prepared statement for the passed-in SQL
>     statement. The dict contains the keys "sql" and "args". The
>     function is used by e.g. OpenACS to generate prepared statements
>     from SQL commands with bind variables.
>   - Raise exception when a value for a bind variable contains a NUL character.
>     This value is explicitly forbidden in text strings passed to PostgreSQL.
>   - Let "ns_pg" report available subcommands even when handle is not
>     specified.  This makes the command compatible with the "icanuse"
>     feature in OpenACS.
> nsstats:
> --------
>   - HTTP client log analysis:
>      * Provide charts for performance (using highcharts via CDN)
>      * Provide charts on request frequency (using highcharts via CDN)
>      * Provide a summary table for HTTP client requests
>      * Improved robustness against invalid URLs (containing unescaped
>        spaces)
>      * Added support for selection of different HTTP client log files
>        via web interface
>   - "Process" page:
>       * Added percentage of request distribution over connection pools
>       * Added information about the connected client
>       * Added more detailed version information
>   - Added cache configuration to output when looking at a single cache
>   - Improved "log file" analysis
>     * Automated stripping of color codes
>     * Added filter option. The filter can be used to grep for (ID)
>       strings in both the system and access logs, providing a summary
>       for the traces of a request in the access log and system log on
>       a single place.
>   - Added default and usage information to "Config Parameters" page
> nsoracle:
> ---------
>   - Fixed bug when streaming LOB content to connection. The old code
>     did not distinguish between binary and non-binary content.  This
>     bug was discussed in
>     https://openacs.org/forums/message-view?message_id=5693661
>     Bumped version number to 2.9
> - switched to plain Debug handling for debugging the driver
>     The handling of Ns_LogSqlDebug is performed inside nsdb, including
>     also the printout of (long) SQL statements. Previously, the driver
>     was too chatty when Debug(sql) was turned on.
>   - Added support for output columns of type SQLT_TIMESTAMP or 
>     This change fixes a bug, where SQL queries of the form
>          SELECT TO_TIMESTAMP(sysdate) FROM dual
>     lead to errors for the form:
>          Database operation "getrow" failed (exception 1406, 
> "nsoracle.c:3659:Ns_OracleGetRow:
>          error in `OCIStmtFetch ()': ORA-01406: fetched column value was 
> truncated
>     The driver needs for several output types special rules, where the
>     timestamp cases were not supported so far. It is also recommended
>     to set the according environment variables specifying the output
>     format in the configuration server of NaviServer, such as e.g.
>         set ::env(NLS_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT) "YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF6"
>     For testing in you local Oracle installation, you might test the
>     output formats (and the required sizes with the following snippet
>     for sqlplus:
>        COLUMN localtimestamp format a40
>        COLUMN systimestamp format a40
>        COLUMN ts_bytes format a80
>        alter session set nls_timestamp_format='YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF6';
>        select localtimestamp, length(localtimestamp), dump(localtimestamp) 
> ts_bytes from dual;
>        alter session set nls_timestamp_tz_format='YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF6 
>        select systimestamp, length(systimestamp), dump(systimestamp) ts_bytes 
> from dual;
>        alter session set nls_timestamp_tz_format='YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF6 
> TZR';
>        select systimestamp, length(systimestamp), dump(systimestamp) ts_bytes 
> from dual;
> letsencrypt:
> ------------
>   - Added option to produce certificates with ECDSA:
>     Prior to this change, all certificates were using RSA keys.
>     Since a while, keys based on elliptic curves became the preference
>     of letsencrypt.
> nsshell:
> --------
>    - Fixed a bug in "ns_conn" emulation, when the "kernel" was not correctly 
> identified
> _______________________________________________
> naviserver-devel mailing list
> naviserver-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/naviserver-devel


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