
with the goal of improving signal-to-noise in our error logs, and also to 
increase my understanding of Naviserver internals, I have a few questions about 
various different messages we are seeing regularly in our logs.

  1.  [06/Nov/2023:14:58:08][77320.7f7b9a7fd640][-driver:nsssl:0-] Notice: ... 
sockAccept accepted 2 connections
this is by far the most common entry in our logs - we see a LOT of these. Are 
they merely informative or indicative of some tuning action we could take? I 
don't see any way to disable them. I would love to remove these.

Notice: ns_cache create entry collision cache util_memoize key 
'__util_memoize_installed_p', no timeout
We also see a quite a few of these, always for  '__util_memoize_installed_p', 
and always with 'no timeout'. From looking at cache.c I see  that this means 
that Naviserver failed to create the cache entry. I checked the 'util_memoize' 
cache utilization in case the cache was full, but it's quite low. What other 
cause could there be for this?

  3.  These 5 appear usually as a group:
[07/Nov/2023:13:46:07][38.7f352cff9640][-conn:openacs:default:3:4088-] Notice: 
exiting: exceeded max connections per thread
[07/Nov/2023:13:46:07][38.7f3525b84640][-driver:nsssl:0-] Notice: 
NsEnsureRunningConnectionThreads wantCreate 1 waiting 1 idle 0 current 2
[07/Nov/2023:13:46:07][38.7f352d7fa640][-conn:openacs:default:5:0-] Notice: 
start update interpreter openacs to epoch 1, concurrent 1
[07/Nov/2023:13:46:08][38.7f352d7fa640][-conn:openacs:default:5:0-] Notice: 
update interpreter openacs to epoch 1 done, trace none, time 0.373006 secs 
concurrent 1
[07/Nov/2023:13:46:08][38.7f352d7fa640][-conn:openacs:default:5:0-] Notice: 
thread initialized (0.388878 secs)
We see these pretty regularly, over 50 per day on  a  local development server. 
 "maxconnections" is set to the  default value, which is 100, I believe.  
"maxthreads" and "minthreads" are also set to default values. What could  be 
causing these so regularly on a system with 1 logged-in user?

 These 3 are related to each other,  I presume:
Notice: nsdb: closing old handle in pool 'pool1'
Notice: nsdb: closing idle handle in pool 'pool1'
Notice: dbdrv: opening database 'nsoracle:'
These are quite frequent too. Am I correct in thinking that we can tune these 
with pool "maxidle" and "maxopen" params mentioned here 
https://naviserver.sourceforge.io/n/nsdb/files/ns_db.html ? Is there any reason 
not to turn off the automatic closing feature?

many thanks in advance for any tips


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