> On 22.04.2024, at 11:01, David Osborne <da...@qcode.co.uk> wrote:
> In reverseproxymode, when there is a list of IPs in X-Forwarded-For header, 
> it's always the leftmost IP which is chosen by NaviServer for accesslogs (and 
> ns_conn peeraddr):
> X-Forwarded-For,
> ns_conn peeraddr -source forwarded =
> Is there any mechanism by which we can resolve to the rightmost IP for the 
> access logs instead?

In case, there is only one forwarded-for entry received by NaviServer, 
everything is fine in all situations. In case x-forwarded-for has multiple 
values and gets its content from trusted and well-configured proxies, the 
leftmost value is the original value of the client
     X-Forwarded-For: client, proxy1, proxy2
The rightmost value is from is the last proxy. 

From a security point of view, if there is no trust in the proxies, it is 
certainly easy for an attacker to inject a wrong IP-address of the client to 
the forwarded-for header. Therefore, various reverse proxy server have 
mechanisms to define trusted upstream proxies, from which these values are 
accepted. So, probably the right approach is to accept in nginx configuration 
only  incoming x-forwarded-for headers from trusted sources (or drop all, if 
there are no trusted upstream servers). nginx-rule for replacing incoming 
x-forwarded-for headers with the remote address:
      proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
Note that it is possible that a request can contain multiple x-forwarded-for 
headers, which should be logically concatenated. NaviServer just takes the 
first one (corresponding the leftmost value) and shows therefore a consistent 

However, the implementation in NaviServer is certainly not perfect. When 
handling of multiple proxy servers is required (larger network of proxies) and 
e.g. a client and a proxy are from a private network (having non-routable 
addresses), and these requests are routed over proxies in public networks, the 
internal addresses would not be informative for most purposes (geo-location, 
etc.) and should not be used. Instead, the first routable, valid address from 
the left should be taken.

As another improvement, NaviServer should support the standardised “Forwarded” 
header, but its content can't be trusted as well. So, i am not sure, this would 

Why are you looking into the issue? Would the filtering of private addresses 
help you?


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