On 9 October 2012 14:02, Glenn Gagné <glenn.ga...@ssss.gouv.qc.ca> wrote:
> May be, it could be a good update to add this information in specific
> manpage of snmpwalk

  $ man snmpwalk


       In addition to these options, snmpwalk takes the common options
       described in the snmpcmd(1) manual page.

> It's not user-friendly to search information about snmpwalk
> option in snmpcmd manpage !

There are something like 60+ options that apply to all of the
command-line tools (including snmpwalk) - not counting the
detailed explanation of how the agent address syntax works.

It would be just as unhelpful to repeat the whole of that explanation
in each of the dozen or more individual man pages.  Not to mention a
nightmare to maintain these to ensure that they all stayed in synch.

That is why we took the decision to document the common options in
one place ("snmpcmd(1)"), and reference this from each of the individual
command-specific man pages.


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