Hi Niels,

I found the problem.

My build script set some environments vars. This one breaks the test:

export MIBDIRS=../mibs

This is only valid from the build dir.
It prevent MIB loading while test, so some tests fails.
I have to change it to an absolute path.

Today, I tried to run the test under ubunto linux with new default dash shell.
The make test exit immediately.
When I change /bin/sh to link to /bin/bash, it works.

About your question why I use v5.4.4?

We started with our project with net-snmp v5.4.2. It was ported to our embedded OS.
So up to now, I have to maintain it.
For the next project, we will change to the next long term supported branch.


On 28.01.2013, at 06:41, Niels Baggesen wrote:

On Sun, Jan 27, 2013 at 12:07:40AM +0100, Claus Klein wrote:
what is the status of the current V5.4-patches branch?
Is it planed to release a v5.4.5 version this year?

I would expect that, yes

I tried the following before working on some back-ports for this branch:

+ git checkout V5-4-patches
Summary: 44 / 62 succeeded.

This does not match my experience. I generally do full tests on a number
of systems at least weekly, and for CentOS 4.9, 5.9, 6.3, Fedora 18,
Ubuntu 12.10, openSUSE 12.2 I get a full house: 62/62

You can see my results on http://baggesen.net/~nba/net-snmp/

It seems that most of your failures are related to trap/inform
handling. Could you post some of the test results left behind so we
could see the details of the failures?

Btw, why are you so interested in backporting features to 5.4? Why
not move on to a more recent version if you need said features?


Niels Baggesen - @home - Ã…rhus - Denmark - n...@users.sourceforge.net
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