I'm trying to learn how to add an instrumented/coded MIB to Net-SNMP.  I 
have exhausted everything I can find on the Web, so I turning to this 
group help.  I'm running Net-SNMP 5.7.2 under CentOS Linux.  Before I 
state my question, I'll share what I have done so far.

I have downloaded Net-SNMP, configured it, built it, and installed it.   
I ran some basic walks on the System group to make sure the agent is 

I created an extremely simple MIB that only contains four scalars called 
CLAY-TEST-MIB.  My intent is to start off simple and add a table or two 
later.  I ran smilint and worked out all the issues.  I ran 
snmptranslate +CLAY-TEST-MIB on one of my scalar objects to verify that 
I could be loaded and the correct OID was displayed.  I place the MIB in 
my $HOME/.snmp/mib directory.  I added "mibs +CLAY-TEST-MIB" to my 
$HOME/.snmp/snmp.conf file.  I created a directory to work in and change 
to it.  In that directory, I executed "mib2c -c mib2c.scalar.conf 
clayTestScalars"  as all my scalar objects are under the clayTestScalars 
OID.  The result of this mib2c execution are two files: 
clayTestScalars.h and clayTestScalars.c.   At this point I have not 
filled in anything for these template files.

The next steps are giving me trouble.  That is I have two things I'm 
struggling with:
1. How do I build the code
2. How do I dynamically load it in the agent

I see that in /usr/local/share/snmp/mib2c-data, there is a 
mfd-makefile-m2m.  I believe it is use with mib2c to build a makefile 
for tables.  I don't see one for scalars.

So how do I build the code and how does it get dynamically loaded into 
the agent?

Clay Sikes

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