On 1/17/06, Radek Vokál <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Bradford Ritchie wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm running Fedora Core 4 with net-snmp- and am having trouble
>  updating my system to net-snmp-*  v5.3 using yum and the "fc4" rpm
> files found on the net-snmp download site at sourceforge.net
> <http://sourceforge.net>.  Has anyone else running FC4 been able to
> successfully update all the net-snmp packages ?
> First of all, I'm not sure why the filenaming convention is different
> on sourceforge.net <http://sourceforge.net> than it is on the FC4
> update repositories.  The packages installed on my system are:
> net-snmp net-snmp-utils net-snmp-perl

Fedora uses slightly different naming scheme for net-snmp packages, it
separates libs and core tools as well as perl modules. You can try to
install net-snmp-5.3 from rawhide reposity. Probably this will lead to
several dependecies as it's rebuilt against latest gcc etc, so also you
can try recompiling Fedora srpm on your machine. This is supposed to work.


I'll look into it.  If Fedora uses a different naming convention, why aren't those names used in the FC4 files listed on sorceforge.  In other words, what use is it to have an FC4 rpm that doesn't follow the FC4 naming convention, since it can't get (completely) installed in the normal way.  Maybe I'm missing something but I would assume that if somebody bothered to build it and create the rpm, then it must be installable.

I did try building everything using the tarball... is there an advantage to building it from the srpm?  If I install it from the srpm, will yum recognize it's presence and allow it to be upgraded in the future?  (that sounds too good to be true).

-- Brad

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