❦ 31 juillet 2020 17:51 +02, He Da-Luo:

> I'm developing an agent using the library Net-SNMP agent. Most of it works
> fine but the requests from "snmptable" (bulk requests).
> When the Net-SNMP agent gets a "get next request"(snmpwalk) that reaches
> the end of a column or my table, my handler returns "null". Net-SNMP agent
> responds with a next oid which belongs to another part of the tree and
> snmpwalk stops its requests.
> But when the Net-SNMP agent gets a "bulk request"(snmptable), it does not
> stop at the end of my table. It keeps going down the tree, calling my other
> handlers for other tables.
> So my question is : How is it supposed to end ? I read about 'End of MIB
> exception' but I don't really know how to raise that and I don't really
> reach the end of the MIB just the end of that table.

A GETBULK call is not expected to end at the boundary of a table. There
is no way for the agent to know if the caller is snmptable or snmpwalk.
The manager is expected to throw away the part it doesn't use.
Identify bad input; recover if possible.
            - The Elements of Programming Style (Kernighan & Plauger)

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