

I have a problem with receiving SNMPv3 authPriv traps on my own Java trap

When using snmptrap command on the Linux terminal with authPriv option then
the trap is never received on my Java trap receiver regardless of which
authentication is used: MD5, SHA or SHA-256. Only if there is noAuthNoPriv
used then the trap is received.

In my Java trap receiver the snmp4j library is used. An important note is
that my Java traps receiver receives authPriv trap, regardless of which
authentication is used, only when the trap is sent from my own Java trap
sender with snmp4j (for all authentication protocol). Also snmptrapd daemon
receives authPriv trap which are sent from own Java application with snmp4j.


I'm using Net-SNMP 5.9 on Linux Mint and "snmp4j-2.7.0".


Could someone help me in receiving the authPriv traps on Java application
with snmp4j?


Best regards,



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