Dear net-snmp-users

I have compiled net-snmp 5.9.1 under Windows 10 x64 using build.bat (everything except install and quiet build disabled) and created skeletal configuration for

  rocommunity public default .1
  extend foo powershell_script_path
  syslocation bar
  syscontact baz

When I run

  snmpwalk -v 2c -c public localhost .1

I get about 730 lines of output (including bar, baz and data generated by powershell script) but I cannot see any network interfaces related information
(I grepped for IP-s of network cards). Also

  snmpwalk -v 2c -c public localhost .
  snmpwalk -v 2c -c public localhost .

both return that = No such Object available on this agent at this OID (former
prepends it with IF-MIB::interfaces, latter with IP-MIB::ip).

I added syntax errors into agent/mibgroup/if-mib/data_access/interface.c and interface_iphlpapi.c and build succeeded, so it seems that those files are
not being compiled at all...

So my question is what to do to get information about network interfaces (with
a) do I miss something during build
b) is my config lacking something
c) is reporting about network interfaces even possible on windows without some
   additional software
d) where shall I look for more info

I would be grateful for any help provided --- thanks even if you are reading
this mail till the bottom :).

Kind regards
Jan Górski

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