Art forms have their technical aspects. Artists are forever learning, playing, 
working and experimenting with the technology at their disposal. Tools for the 
job. Means and ends. Artists are largely focused on the latter; the ability to 
use the tools is presumed.

However when it comes to digital/new media/net art, discussion of the technical 
aspects still seems to predominate. Do you think that's in the nature of the 
technology? Or will there come a time when 'new media' artists won't have to 
talk like Formula 1 engineers?


On Sunday, 19 October, 2008, aymeric mansoux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

or the gory tech details, we also use i686 optimisations when compiling
and we have been the first to provide a RT kernel on a live
distribution. We also try to make this effort available for others, for
example our upcoming new release will feature a kernel which config will
be used as a base config for an attempt to provide a unified linuxaudio
kernel that would be shared amongst several multimedia distributions.
(that is for those who are interested in this collaboration)....

It' s not boring at all. 
It's a key characteristic of the new pure:dyne.
pure:dyne is a mix of 3 repos, Debian Lenny, Debian Multimedia and our
own repository, so you can use pure:dyne repos on a Debian install, and
you can add Debian repos on a pure:dyne install. Afterall, this is

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