CPJ's 2008 prison census: Online and in jail.

New York, December 4, 2008--Reflecting the rising influence of online
reporting and commentary, more Internet journalists are jailed
worldwide today than journalists working in any other medium. In its
annual census of imprisoned journalists, released today, the Committee
to Protect Journalists found that 45 percent of all media workers
jailed worldwide are bloggers, Web-based reporters, or online editors.
Online journalists represent the largest professional category for the
first time in CPJ's prison census.

CPJ's survey found 125 journalists in all behind bars on December 1, a
decrease of two from the 2007 tally. (Read detailed accounts of each
imprisoned journalist.) China continued to be world's worst jailer of
journalists, a dishonor it has held for 10 consecutive years. Cuba,
Burma, Eritrea, and Uzbekistan round out the top five jailers from
among the 29 nations that imprison journalists. Each of the top five
nations has persistently placed among the world's worst in detaining

At least 56 online journalists are jailed worldwide, according to
CPJ's census, a tally that surpasses the number of print journalists
for the first time. The number of imprisoned online journalists has
steadily increased since CPJ recorded the first jailed Internet writer
in its 1997 census. Print reporters, editors, and photographers make
up the next largest professional category, with 53 cases in 2008.
Television and radio journalists and documentary filmmakers constitute
the rest.

"Online journalism has changed the media landscape and the way we
communicate with each other," said CPJ Executive Director Joel Simon.
"But the power and influence of this new generation of online
journalists has captured the attention of repressive governments
around the world, and they have accelerated their counterattack."


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