I have now finished revising The Puzzle Box, as follows: 

1. A new interface/front cover
2. One new Help Card animation and a couple of minor amendments to other 
3. More sparing use of the box-icon within the chapters: it now only appears at 
those points where the box is mentioned in the narrative, and where readers 
will find something new if they click to open it
4. The page-background for Chapter Three has been redesigned
5. The text has been thoroughly proof-read and various minor amendments have 
been made
6. On the back of this (show me the money!), a print version is now available 
via www.lulu.com and will soon be available from Amazon

(If you don't see the new interface, with lots of pictures on it, when you get 
to the Puzzle Box index-page, click CTRL + Refresh to update.)

Some recommended videos:

Recently, largely under the tutelage of Michael Szpakowski, I've been looking 
at a lot of experimental videos, and I've been really surprised and excited by 
some of the work. Below is a selection of some personal favourites (regular 
readers of this list will have seen a some of them before), and it seems to me 
that one of the most noteworthy things about them is how different they are 
from each other in terms of their style:

OK Charlie by Brian Gibson - http://lucidunison.com/baio/okcharlie_web.mov: A 
portrait of the video artist Doron Golan by his fellow-artist Brian Gibson. 
Golan chinks his coffee-cup and says "OK Charlie"; the sequence is looped; and 
suddenly we're listening to a tune. Manages to be fingerclickin' funky and 
toe-curlingly clever at the same time.

Journey by Robert Croma - http://robertcroma.com/2008/09/24/the-journey/: 
Commuters on a tube train: profiles, the backs of heads, shoulders, sliding 
doors. About halfway through this video there's an extremely subtle transition 
from observational realism to something symbolic and metaphysical, leading up 
to a magical moment at the end.

Her Morning Elegance by Oren Lavie - http://www.myspace.com/orenlavie: A video, 
co-directed by singer-songwriter Oren Lavie, to go with his song of the same 
name. The song is pretty good, but the video is really lovely, a supremely 
inventive piece of stop-motion animation featuring a girl on a bed and a lot of 
pillows and laundry.

The 9th Allegro by Doron Golan - 
http://www.the9th.com/04/the9th_allegro/allegro9.mov: All of Doran Golan's 
videos are worth seeing, but this is one of the most outstanding, and contains 
many of his most important themes: a sense of place, a sense of character, a 
sense of culture and history, a really complex, stereotype-free attitude 
towards politically explosive material, and above all tremendous qualities of 
composition, structure and control.

Inaugurationanimation by Pall Thayer - http://www.vimeo.com/2917641: Television 
coverage of the US Presidential Inauguration, slowed down and processed until 
it acquires a rich painterly texture. Redolent not just of American history and 
American politics, but the history of American art too. The slowness of the 
action seems to bring out the patrician, studied aspect of the ceremony: the 
intensely aspirational quality, the feeling that individuals can make a 
difference, that the human spirit is inherently noble, and that the world can 
be made a better place if we just make a sufficient effort - along with the 
intense theatricality, the self-regard, the sense that these gestures are being 
made with the whole world for an audience, and that if you can just get the 
gestures right it almost doesn't matter what you actually do.

U cant hold me down by Donna Kuhn - 
http://digitalaardvarks.blogspot.com/2009/02/u-cant-hold-me-down.html: The 
dancer and artist Donna Kuhn has gradually been evolving her own completely 
individual style of experimental video, and this is one of the best examples. 
Glimpses of dance, glimpses of sea-shore, and glimpses of Donna's spiky, 
Klee-style drawings combine into something mysterious, tense, sad and poetic.

- Edward Picot
http://hyperex.co.uk - The Hyperliterature Exchange
http://edwardpicot.com - personal website

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