Blue String Drawing #1212 is a conceptualist installation in the
international mail system.  You can learn more about the project, and see
the map for it, by following the links at

The most recently mailed packages went to

Portland, Oregon,
Achill Island, Ireland,
Gent, Belgium
and Tokyo, Japan.

You can see the map for the project
 The images, as they are made available to me from the recipients of the
mailings, can be seen
 There will be more images from this month's mailings but I wanted to follow
up on the images I have already received with a few remarks.

Both the flickr site and the google maps site are lacking in content and
somewhat uninteresting aside from the intrinsic interest of the images
themselves.  I would very much like suggestions about how to improve those
sites.  The flickr photostream, for example, allows one to put comments and
notes on every image, but I myself have very little time to do so and I am
not sure what sort of supplementary comments would work.  Should I perhaps
develop a whole series of meditations on loss/loneliness based on the idea
of a "message in a bottle"?  Or perhaps a long meditation on mail art?
 Would writing anything about the pictures add anything to the overall idea?

Also, the packages don't really "fit" in the places where they are put.  The
packages are oddly alien to their locations.  I take this to be a kind of
metonym or metaphor for the presence of People, i.e. Human Beings, in the
natural world.  We are just sort of stuck into the universe in a weird way
that doesn't exactly fit.

I would be interested to know what others think.



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