Annie Abrahams show 'Training for a Better World' reviewed on dvblog.

"The jewel in the crown of the show is the video installation ‘Angry 
Women’, created by Abrahams and 22 other women of many nationalities (3 
more , in fact, in total, 2 “backstage” assistants, and a performer who 
opted for silence throughout) speaking about, acting out, demonstrating, 
reflecting upon, their anger and its causes and triggers, on webcams at 
their different individual locations and in their native tongues, with 
the images being sent to a 3X4 grid, in a format that Abrahams has made 
her own. [...] The length of each was determined by a protocol where a 
minute’s silence by all participants signalled the end. This resulted in 
pieces of differing lengths the lack of synchronisation of which adds 
another layer of fragile grace to the final projections, projected large 
on adjacent walls around their common corner, with sound from the left 
image grid fed to the right speaker and vice versa." Michael Szpakowski
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