Carrie Ahern's Borrowed Prey

Carrie Ahern is a dancer and performer I met at Mount Tremper
a few years ago. She has recently completed and performed, at
Dickson's Farmstand Meats, Borrowed Prey, one of the most
interesting, and, I think, 'important,' works I've seen. The
piece, roughly an hour long, is concerned , among other
things, with animals, meat and the meat industry, and human
empathy or lack of it. I want to share the link with you and
hope you'll watch it. I wrote her an extended and favorable
reply, which I may send out in a while, but I feel you should
see this in its entirety on Vimeo without my interference.
In any case, please go to

Carrie Ahern

and her website is .

Thanks, Alan
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