Hi All,

Friday to Monday (Sept 14 - 17th), Hide & Seek is running their
Weekender. It is a three days of games (Fri-Sun), with Monday (Sept
15) being a conference day with presentation and discussion with the
game designers.

Find all the details:

There will be tons of interesting and fun games.

Friday Sept 14th, 9pm - 10pm: I will be running my game Firefly at
Southbank, on the balcony of the Clore Ballroom. This time it will be
properly dark.

Saturday Sept 15th: It is the Hide&Seek Party!! In the Old Vic
Tunnels. Firefly will be played in the tunnels (from 22:30-23:30).
ohhh...spooky awesome!!



Monday Sept 17th. Playing Public Conference
This is a day long presentations and discussions with the games designers.

I will be doing a flash (5min) presentation on the temporal memory
research behind the Firefly Game.

Also one of my favorite game designers and former colleague from
Gamelab, Joshua DeBonis of Sortasoft LLC will be here visiting from
the states.

Saturday, Sept 15th running his game: Killer Queen

The screen version "Killer Queen Arcade" will be at the H&S Party on
Saturday Night

He will be talking about both versions of "Killer Queen" at the Monday

Come Out and Play. Hope to see you there!


To do is to be. -Descartes
To be is to do. - Voltaire
Do be do be do. - Frank Sinatra
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