
> > Can anyone explain for me the message I got when an attempted
> > connection failed?
> > 
> > "m-clalloc: max amount of memory already used 2555120 bytes
> >  sana-read(ppp): not enough mbufs"
> > 
> > And, does anything need to be done, and how?
> > 
> > TIA  Ian.
> > 
>  You need to edit AmiTCP:db/amiTCP.config and change the line that reads
>  MBUF_CONF MaxMem = 256
>   to
>  MBUF_CONF Maxmem = 512
The following may also be of help. It is a previous reply to a similar
question on this list. I don't claim to understand it, just passing it
> > ....already used (255120 bytes)
> > Sanna-read   (ppp): not enough Mbuffs
> > Can someone please tell me where and how I resolve this situation that
> > has occured quite often on my setup (1200/060 16 meg  ram AGA)
> The normal solution is to change the Genesis PRefs max mem setting in
> Options/Advanced from 256 to 512. However, this  may cause problems on a
> 16MB machine. You are probably better off reducing the maximum number of
> connections in Voyager. Using more than 8 on a modem link is generally
> less efficient.


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