On Thu, Aug 04, 2005 at 06:48:18AM -0700, David S. Miller wrote:
> When you add an SA, you have to place it somewhere, don't you?
> And that "where" (be it one policy template, or many) are
> what you use to decide which policy for which to do the DST
> flush.

Unfortunately, it goes straight into the SADB as (daddr, spi, proto).
When policies are resolved during the xfrm_lookup for outbound
flows, the best SA is then found from the SADB by iterating
through all SAs with the same daddr as the template.

So given a policy you can easily find the SAs for it.  However,
going in the opposite direction requirs you to walk through all

I suppose we could add another cache that hashes all the policies
by their template destination addresses.
> Anyways, I'm not going to listen to the "userland can fix this"
> arguments any longer.  The kernel needs to implement consistency
> here, even if arguably stupid things occur.

Alright, let stupid things occur then :) But at least guard it
with a sysctl or something.

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