On Mon, Jun 12, 2006 at 08:57:01AM +0200, Ingo Molnar wrote:
> regarding your point wrt. path of integration - it is pretty much the 
> only practical way to do this centrally as part of the lock validator 
> patches, but to collect ACKs from subsystem maintainers in the process. 
> So if you like it i'd like to have your ACK but this patch depends on 
> the other lock validator patches (and only makes sense together with 
> them), so they should temporarily stay in the lock validator queue. 
> Hopefully this wont be a state that lasts too long and once the 
> validator is upstream, all patches of course go via the subsystem 
> submission rules.

Obviously as long as Dave is happy with it then it's fine.  However,
it's probably a good idea to cc netdev for relevant patches so that
they get a wider review.  If you've already sent this one there then
I apologise for missing it :)

> (the #ifdef LOCKDEP should probably be converted to some sort of 
> lockdep_split_lock_key(&sk->sk_receive_queue.lock) op - i'll do that 
> later)


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