On 12/01/2016 12:18 PM, Tom Herbert wrote:
On Thu, Dec 1, 2016 at 11:48 AM, Rick Jones <rick.jon...@hpe.com> wrote:
Just how much per-packet path-length are you thinking will go away under the
likes of TXDP?  It is admittedly "just" netperf but losing TSO/GSO does some
non-trivial things to effective overhead (service demand) and so throughput:

For plain in order TCP packets I believe we should be able process
each packet at nearly same speed as GRO. Most of the protocol
processing we do between GRO and the stack are the same, the
differences are that we need to do a connection lookup in the stack
path (note we now do this is UDP GRO and that hasn't show up as a
major hit). We also need to consider enqueue/dequeue on the socket
which is a major reason to try for lockless sockets in this instance.

So waving hands a bit, and taking the service demand for the GRO-on receive test in my previous message (860 ns/KB), that would be ~ (1448/1024)*860 or ~1.216 usec of CPU time per TCP segment, including ACK generation which unless an explicit ACK-avoidance heuristic a la HP-UX 11/Solaris 2 is put in place would be for every-other segment. Etc etc.

Sure, but trying running something emulates a more realistic workload
than a TCP stream, like RR test with relative small payload and many

That is a good point, which of course is why the RR tests are there in netperf :) Don't get me wrong, I *like* seeing path-length reductions. What would you posit is a relatively small payload? The promotion of IR10 suggests that perhaps 14KB or so is a sufficiently common so I'll grasp at that as the length of a piece of string:

stack@np-cp1-c0-m1-mgmt:~/rjones2$ ./netperf -c -H np-cp1-c1-m3-mgmt -t TCP_RR -- -P 12867 -r 128,14K MIGRATED TCP REQUEST/RESPONSE TEST from ( port 12867 AF_INET to np-cp1-c1-m3-mgmt () port 12867 AF_INET : demo : first burst 0
Local /Remote
Socket Size   Request Resp.  Elapsed Trans.   CPU    CPU    S.dem   S.dem
Send   Recv   Size    Size   Time    Rate     local  remote local   remote
bytes  bytes  bytes   bytes  secs.   per sec  % S    % U    us/Tr   us/Tr

16384  87380  128     14336  10.00   8118.31  1.57   -1.00  46.410  -1.000
16384  87380
stack@np-cp1-c0-m1-mgmt:~/rjones2$ sudo ethtool -K hed0 gro off
stack@np-cp1-c0-m1-mgmt:~/rjones2$ ./netperf -c -H np-cp1-c1-m3-mgmt -t TCP_RR -- -P 12867 -r 128,14K MIGRATED TCP REQUEST/RESPONSE TEST from ( port 12867 AF_INET to np-cp1-c1-m3-mgmt () port 12867 AF_INET : demo : first burst 0
Local /Remote
Socket Size   Request Resp.  Elapsed Trans.   CPU    CPU    S.dem   S.dem
Send   Recv   Size    Size   Time    Rate     local  remote local   remote
bytes  bytes  bytes   bytes  secs.   per sec  % S    % U    us/Tr   us/Tr

16384  87380  128     14336  10.00   5837.35  2.20   -1.00  90.628  -1.000
16384  87380

So, losing GRO doubled the service demand. I suppose I could see cutting path-length in half based on the things you listed which would be bypassed?

I'm sure mileage will vary with different NICs and CPUs. The ones used here happened to be to hand.

happy benchmarking,


Just to get a crude feel for sensitivity, doubling to 28K unsurprisingly goes to more than doubling, and halving to 7K narrows the delta:

stack@np-cp1-c0-m1-mgmt:~/rjones2$ ./netperf -c -H np-cp1-c1-m3-mgmt -t TCP_RR -- -P 12867 -r 128,28K MIGRATED TCP REQUEST/RESPONSE TEST from ( port 12867 AF_INET to np-cp1-c1-m3-mgmt () port 12867 AF_INET : demo : first burst 0
Local /Remote
Socket Size   Request Resp.  Elapsed Trans.   CPU    CPU    S.dem   S.dem
Send   Recv   Size    Size   Time    Rate     local  remote local   remote
bytes  bytes  bytes   bytes  secs.   per sec  % S    % U    us/Tr   us/Tr

16384  87380  128     28672  10.00   6732.32  1.79   -1.00  63.819  -1.000
16384  87380
stack@np-cp1-c0-m1-mgmt:~/rjones2$ sudo ethtool -K hed0 gro off
stack@np-cp1-c0-m1-mgmt:~/rjones2$ ./netperf -c -H np-cp1-c1-m3-mgmt -t TCP_RR -- -P 12867 -r 128,28K MIGRATED TCP REQUEST/RESPONSE TEST from ( port 12867 AF_INET to np-cp1-c1-m3-mgmt () port 12867 AF_INET : demo : first burst 0
Local /Remote
Socket Size   Request Resp.  Elapsed Trans.   CPU    CPU    S.dem   S.dem
Send   Recv   Size    Size   Time    Rate     local  remote local   remote
bytes  bytes  bytes   bytes  secs.   per sec  % S    % U    us/Tr   us/Tr

16384  87380  128     28672  10.00   3780.47  2.32   -1.00  147.280  -1.000
16384  87380

stack@np-cp1-c0-m1-mgmt:~/rjones2$ ./netperf -c -H np-cp1-c1-m3-mgmt -t TCP_RR -- -P 12867 -r 128,7K MIGRATED TCP REQUEST/RESPONSE TEST from ( port 12867 AF_INET to np-cp1-c1-m3-mgmt () port 12867 AF_INET : demo : first burst 0
Local /Remote
Socket Size   Request Resp.  Elapsed Trans.   CPU    CPU    S.dem   S.dem
Send   Recv   Size    Size   Time    Rate     local  remote local   remote
bytes  bytes  bytes   bytes  secs.   per sec  % S    % U    us/Tr   us/Tr

16384  87380  128     7168   10.00   10535.01  1.52   -1.00  34.664  -1.000
16384  87380
stack@np-cp1-c0-m1-mgmt:~/rjones2$ sudo ethtool -K hed0 gro off
stack@np-cp1-c0-m1-mgmt:~/rjones2$ ./netperf -c -H np-cp1-c1-m3-mgmt -t TCP_RR -- -P 12867 -r 128,7K MIGRATED TCP REQUEST/RESPONSE TEST from ( port 12867 AF_INET to np-cp1-c1-m3-mgmt () port 12867 AF_INET : demo : first burst 0
Local /Remote
Socket Size   Request Resp.  Elapsed Trans.   CPU    CPU    S.dem   S.dem
Send   Recv   Size    Size   Time    Rate     local  remote local   remote
bytes  bytes  bytes   bytes  secs.   per sec  % S    % U    us/Tr   us/Tr

16384  87380  128     7168   10.00   8225.17  1.80   -1.00  52.661  -1.000
16384  87380

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