On Tue, May 28, 2002 at 04:04:44PM +0200, Jacek Konieczny wrote:

> On Tue, May 28, 2002 at 02:44:28PM +0100, Antony Stone wrote:
> > I disagree.   They are valid (on most modern O/Ss, anyway).   Whether or not 
> > they make sense depends on what you try and do with them.
> > 
> > Linux routing can certainly handle arbitrary netmasks, and so can netfilter.
> > 
> > I've never seen a good example of why someone would want to use them, though.
> One of posible uses:
> route add netmask gw gateway1
> route add netmask gw gateway2
> This will make simple load balancing (odd IP addresses via one gateway,
> even via the other). Unforunately this cannot be done with iproute2
> tool, which is much more modern than ifconfig/route from net-tools.

It's beacuse: For routing, the scanning through the dst is done from
left to right (most sig first). What you're trying to do is just the


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