
> Is this book going to be available in english? It sounds amazing. I'm
> personally very interested in these topics of the merging of the
> political and artistic acts, the transition from cyberfeminism to
> netporn, autonomous technology and hacktivism.

I am looking for a publisher or to somebody that could write good 
Italian and English to translate it (to upload on the website). I have 
already found a person for a German translation and it will be online 
around this summer. I am confident we will find somebody soon also for 
the English translation. Of course, I let you know...

> It seems that the reception to these topics in the US is much less
> enthusiasic than in Europe. Do you find that to be true? As an MFA
> student, I find it to be a struggle to do political work in the US.

I don't know the US situation pretty well, of course I can speak more 
about Italy (and the city of Berlin, where I live), but yes, I think the 
approach is really different, expecially in terms of connections between 
hacker culture and independent porn...in Italy there are many 
interesting projects related with the queer network with an "activist" 
point of view...
perhaps it could be usefull to have a look at these links, which are the 
webgraphy of the Networking book:
from there, many projects/collectives are available...

> You can see some of my work here:

thank you! what you wrote about Gender (No)Borders sounds very 

all the best

           8/|\   ---------------------------------------------
          /c_"/   Tatiana Bazzichelli
         //_/\__  web site: http://www.ecn.org/aha
           /  \             http://www.strano.net/bazzichelli
          /____\  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
            /|    ---------------------------------------------

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