On 06/18/2015 01:30 AM, Vadim Kochan wrote:

I tried to look over mz tool and try to start adding TX fast path as it
is done in trafgen but I am not sure it will be easy, for me it seems the
code is not easy to change.

I have no some objective arguments but I feel that may be it would be
good to start something like pktgen-ng or start writing mz from empty
page ?

What do you think ?

I think in general, it would be useful to 'merge' mz into trafgen.
No doubt it's quite some work, but that would allow us to have a
clean, fresh implementation at some point. By 'merge', I mean to
have mostly compatible syntax/features, but the underlying
implementation would be from scratch. I.e. to let trafgen have an
interactive mode, so you can have it as a shell on an appliance,
and for quick tests, the direct cmdline mode from mz. Do you have
any plans?


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