I have just sent this email to Andrew Rawnsley drawing his attention to
the problem


Hi Andrew,

The hardwired SockWatch in !Uniprint is causing errors and will prevent it
using updated SockWatch modules when they are issued. !NetSurf is being
shipped with a newer version of SockWatch

People are having to go into the applications and modify the run file
themselves, which is not good. Please will you change this. See the two
Mailing list entries I have quoted below.

Dave's entry may be referring to RO6 but I find three entries for
SockWatch myself in RO5

In my case, in RO5.28, I have copies in:


I don't have Hermes and I don't use !Netsurf much because I have Iris, so
I've not updated it recently.


>From the NetSurf mailing list:


In article
   Rob Kendrick <r...@rjek.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 04, 2024 at 04:52:58PM +0100, Bob Latham wrote:
> > Yes, but an earlier socket is loaded by both UniPrint and Hermes from
> > within the applications, there may be more.

> This is a bug in UniPrint and Hermes: the reason we have the System
> Merge tool is to prevent this exact situation: apps shouldn't be
> shipping their own modules internally because there will inevitably be a
> clash, as you have just experienced.

> I'm sure they've done this in the name of ease of installation, but it
> just messes stuff up for everyone else :(

> B.


In article <5b4cba41f5d...@triffid.co.uk>,
   Dave <d...@triffid.co.uk> wrote:

> If it's of any use to anyone else, on the RISC OS 6.20 install here,
> there are three occurrences of "SockWatch".

> ..$.!Boot.Choices.Users.Single.Boot.PreDesk.!UniPrint.SockWatch
> ..$.!Boot.Resources.!System.310.Modules.Network.SockWatch [The updated
> one] ..$.Net.NetFetches.!NetFetch.Apps.!Hermes.Resources.SockWatch

> The UniPrint one is hard wired in the Run file to Run it's internal
> SockWatch, as is Hermes.

> Dave

Sorry was busy with other things and forgot to mention...

I fixed it here by changing the Uniserver and Hermes !Run file "RMEnsure
SocketWatch" entries to point to System:Modules.Network.SockWatch instead
of their own internal SockWatch modules.


Stuart Winsor

Tools With A Mission
sending tools across the world

Stuart Winsor

Tools With A Mission
sending tools across the world

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