Table of Contents:

   Call for workshop participants to RAM 2: A Joker in the Global Bunker           
     RAM 2 Office <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                              

   COMPUTER ARTIST position | University of California, San Diego                  
     Lev Manovich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                                 

   new project.                                                                    
     [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                                          - games/gender/girls                                                
     "Melinda Rackham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                          

   [Psrf] Photostatic Retrograde Archive, no. 37                                   
     Lloyd Dunn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                                    

   Emergent Art                                                                    
     Paul St George <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                       

   [academic vacancies] Oxford Internet Institute                                  
     "Lachlan Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                            

   COMPUTER ARTIST position | University of California, San Diego
      Lev Manovich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   new work of Peter Hagdahl                                                       
     "geert lovink" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                                

     [EMAIL PROTECTED] (philip pocock)                                   -- =?iso-8859-1?Q?=22Total_=DCberzogen=22?= --  Edith Russ
     Michael Mandiberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                       


Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2002 17:18:54 +0100
From: RAM 2 Office <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Call for workshop participants to RAM 2: A Joker in the Global Bunker

Call for workshop participants to
Atelier Nord, Oslo, Norway, February 5th to 9th 2003


"While the hacker may be the Mole in the ranks of technocrats, and the 
politician the Loudspeaker, the artist in this context is the Joker. 
Subversive in such ways that both the notion of criminality, insanity 
and political resistance are avoided, and any disciplinary reactions 
from the authorities are obvious oppression. Skirmishing the borders, 
acting as both the decoy and the trespasser. And, still smiling, 
carefully moving the limitations of everyday life, opening the ways for 
practices far more powerful."

- -, 1999



RAM is a series of 6 international and interdisciplinary workshops. RAM 
is a nordic/baltic collaboration between the new media art 
organisations CRAC (Stockholm), Olento (Helsinki), E-media center 
(Tallinn), Vilma (Vilnius), RIXC (Riga) and Atelier Nord (Oslo).

RAM 2 focuses on artistic strategies for the networks. The aim of RAM 2 
is to stimulate interdisciplinary collaborations and to propose 
projects and structures from which a series of continued network 
activities can branch off.

RAM 2 Participants profile: artists, programmers, activists, cultural 
networkers, independent/critical journalists, designers, media 
scientists, researchers.



Day 1: dinner and get together

Day 2: seminar analyzing network strategies for corporations, 
independent and critical media, free software developers, designers, 
media scientists and artists. Lecturers to be announced.

Day 3: workshops on alternative strategies + tools and infrastructure 
to support these strategies.

Day 4: workshops and summary

Day 5: getting home again



10 participants from Europe + 2 participants each from Sweden, Finland, 
Lituania, Estonia, Latvia + 5 participants from Norway.

Participants travel and accomodation expenses covered

Application deadline December 10th 2002

Applications to [EMAIL PROTECTED] only - there are no application 

Applications should contain:
- - name, CV and contact information
- - a least one brief description of (past, present or future) project
- - motivation for joining the workshop



RAM 2 funded by EU Culture 2000, Daniel Langlois Foundation, PNEK and 
Atelier Nord

_ note on Global Bunker:
The term Global Bunker points at the situation where ownership is no 
longer held by local capitalists but by networks of omnipresent 
speculants, where the revolution in transport have made the sites of 
production more or less independent from local resources and local 
markets, when the collective sites of work are disintegrated and 
replaced with individual, home based workstations through the use of 
global virtual reality networks, and when all sites are carefully 
defined in terms of their socio-economic use.


Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 14:55:35 +0100
From: Lev Manovich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: COMPUTER ARTIST position | University of California, San Diego 



Assistant Professor, tenure-track, beginning July 1, 2003. Salary
commensurate with qualifications and experience and based upon UC pay
scales. We seek an artist with a proven exhibition record whose work
exhibits an in-depth understanding of computing and its relationship to
contemporary art and its discourses.  UCSD is a research university that
actively promotes and supports creative work and advanced research in
computing within a broadly interdisciplinary arts department that includes
studio, media, and art history, theory and criticism. Opportunities for
developing research include grants, state-of-the-art facilities including
CRCA (Center for Research in Computing and the Arts), the Supercomputer
Center, and the new California Institute for Telecommunications and
Information Technology, and cross-campus collaborations. Teaching will
include both graduate seminars and undergraduate courses, including courses
in an Interdisciplinary Computing and the Arts Major with the department of
Music. Candidates must demonstrate in their work and teaching a substantial
engagement with the computing arts and their relationship to broader
discourses of contemporary art and culture.

Candidate will actively participate in the ongoing development of curriculum
and facilities. Teaching will draw upon knowledge of networked
cross-platform (Linux, Macintosh, NT/Windows PC) environments. Areas of
expertise might include any of the following:; digital imaging;
multimedia authoring and publishing; graphics or sound programming; virtual
environments; computer based installation; electronics and robotics; history
and theory of new media. MFA or equivalency and teaching experience

Send letter of application, curriculum vitae, names and addresses of three
references (do not send letters of recommendation and/or placement files)
and evidence of work in the field. This evidence may be in the form of
slides, tapes, discs, publications and/or public lectures and should be
accompanied by return mailer and postage.

Susan Smith, Chair (Position #AC03-S)
University of California San Diego
Visual Arts Department (0327)
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla, CA 92093-0327

All applications received by January 10, 2003, or thereafter until position
is filled, will receive thorough consideration. Please reference position
#AC03-S on all correspondence.


Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2002 03:29:15 -0600
Subject: new project.

Hello nettimers,

just a quick note on a project I recently developed:

Please do send feedback if you get a chance.  It was developed with our
current state of globalization in mind.


Eduardo Navas


Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2002 17:54:47 +1100
From: "Melinda Rackham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:  - games/gender/girls

Join -empyre- in December ( for our final 02
session featuring  cyber chicks Julianne Pierce and Mary Flanagan, both of
whom  have investigated the game genres  in relation to issues of  media,
gender and power.  Currently through their individual artistic, textual,
production and critical interventions, Flanagan and Pierce are players in
the construction of theory and culture of our shared online networks.

- --->Julianne Pierce, artist, new media producer and co-founder of
pioneering Australian cyberfeminist group VNS Matrix and current
Director of the Australian Network for Art and Technology (ANAT), will
discuss shifts in the cyberfeminist movement since its inception in
the early 1990's. Has cyberfeminism emerged as an empowering 'tool'
for engagement with technology, or has it become a factionalised
theoretical movement with little practical outcome? She will also
look at new media art within this context and more generally take a
look at the current concerns and issues of new media artists.

VNS Matrix

- --> Media practitioner and theorist Mary Flanagan investigates the
of art, technology, and gender study through critical writing, artwork, and
activism. She is also the creator of "The Adventures of Josie True," the
first web-based adventure game for girls. Mary has recently show in All Star
Data Mappers at Artspace, Sydney and in the Whitney Biennial,and edited,
with Austin Booth, "_reload: rethinking women + cyberculture" which views
cyberculture as a social experiment with an as-yet-unfulfilled potential to
create new identities, relationships, and cultures.

Mary Flanagan
reload: rethinking women + cyberculture
> >>


Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2002 15:22:15 +0100
From: Lloyd Dunn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Psrf] Photostatic Retrograde Archive, no. 37

- --============_-1173542559==_ma============
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" ; format="flowed"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

#  If you no longer wish to recieve e-mail announcements from the
#  Photostatic Retrograde Archive, simply let us know and we will remove
#  your name from the mailing list.
#  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

now available for download, retrograde release no. 13, december 2002:

PhotoStatic 37


direct download: (2.7 Mb)

Description. "Production, Not Reproduction."  Inspired by a quote by 
20th-century design and photography master L=E1szl=F3 Moholy-Nagy, the 
stated theme of this issue is a continuation of the set of ideas that 
can even be seen, if dimly, in the first few issues: that of turning 
a process intended for reproduction into a device for originating 
expressive content. Implicit in this stance, we felt, was a critique 
of the commonplace mental sets normally found in the businesses and 
institutions where xerox machines and multilith presses found their 
homes. We were saying that those who could afford to equip themselves 
with such devices lacked the vision to use them well. We felt it was 
up to us to apply imagination to the task of using these powerful 
communication tools, and finding in them a certain virtuosity. This 
quasi-political (or at least socio-critical) attitude is reflected in 
the choice of many of the works that appear in this, and preceeding, 
issues of the series.

Contributors include. Patrick T, John Eberly, Mike Miskowski, A1 
Waste Paper Co., Dr. "Blaster" Al Ackerman, Pier Lfbr, Thomas Wiloch, 
Pandora's Mailbox, Jos=E9 Vanden Broucke, Miekal And, Dadata, Eric 
Belgum, Neil K Henderson, Jay Neimann, Ge[of Huth], Guy R Beining, 
Bob Grumman, Brad Goins, Pascal Uni, Stewart Home, Jim Passin, Joel 
Lipman, anon., R Keith Courtney, The Tape-beatles, Thomas Hibbard, 
John Kennedy, Serse Luigetti

Project Overview: The Photostatic Retrograde Archive serves as an 
electronic repository for a complete collection of PhotoStatic 
Magazine, PhonoStatic Cassettes, Retrofuturism, and Psrf, (as well as 
related titles). Issues are posted as PDF files, at more or less 
regular intervals, in reverse chronological order to form a 
chronological mirror image of the original series. When the first 
issue, dating from 1983, is finally posted in several year's time, 
then this electronic archive will be complete.

issue directory:

project URL:

- -- 

#  Photostatic Magazine Retrograde Archive :
#  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
#  E-mail  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- --============_-1173542559==_ma============


Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2002 11:10:33 +0000
From: Paul St George <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Emergent Art

Under the right conditions, complex patterns and sequences emerge 
from the interaction of simple events.

Please see my new work called Emergent Art at

On the left you will see patterns emerge from the interaction of 
cells as they obey the rules of Conway's Game of Life.

On the right you will see a different representation of the same 
emerging patterns. The square cells are replaced by vertical lines 
and the position and colour of the lines are determined according to 
the sequences of coloured cells.

I welcome comments, criticism and also any information about other 
forms of emergent art.

Thank you.
- -- 
Paul St George


Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 03:11:09 +0000
From: "Lachlan Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [academic vacancies] Oxford Internet Institute

- ----- Original Message -----
From: "Lachlan Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 03:00:49 +0000
Subject: OII jobs

> As we are currently seeking to recruit Visiting Research Fellows at the 
> Oxford Internet Institute, please can you post the following,
> many thanks
> Vicki Nash
> Visiting Fellows
> RESEARCH STAFF GRADE IA: £18,265 to £27,339 (with a discretionary range 
> up to £33,679)
> Applications for up to six Visiting Research Fellowships for the 
> academic years 2003/04 and 2004/05, or part thereof, are invited by the 
> Oxford Internet Institute (OII), a new department in the University's 
> Social Science Division which aims to become the world's leading 
> multi-disciplinary academic centre focused on the societal implications 
> of the Internet and related information and communication technologies 
> (ICTs).
> Established by the University in 2001 with initial funding of £15m, the 
> OII's social research on the Internet and related ICTs seeks to help 
> inform and influence the related debate that is shaping research, 
> policy, and practice around the world. This is accomplished through 
> high-quality research, collaboration, teaching, and use of the Internet 
> as a strategic resource.
> These Fellowships offer persons of outstanding distinction or promise an 
> opportunity to pursue research related to the OII. Applications may be 
> in any area related to the work of the OII, but should preferably 
> address one of the Institute's five current research focal points. These 
> concern the role of the Internet and ICT in: governance; learning and 
> education; scientific and social research; everyday life and work; and 
> policy issues that cut across all these social settings.
> Fellows will normally be expected to reside in or near Oxford for the 
> majority of their visit. They will be entitled to office space at the 
> OII, in the heart of Oxford, and to participate fully in the 
> intellectual life of the OII and the wider University. They will be 
> expected to cooperate with the work plans of the OII under the guidance 
> of the Director. Salary will be in the Research Staff Grade IA range 
> identified above (or pro rata for shorter appointments).
> Further information, including details of how to apply, may be obtained 
> from the Personnel Assistant, Oxford Internet Institute, 1 St Giles, 
> Oxford OX1 3JS (tel: +44 (0) 1865 287210; e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> or from our website: Applications must reach 
> the Institute by 12:00 noon (GMT) on Monday 16th December 2002.
> -- 
> Dr Victoria Nash
> Public Policy Co-ordinator
> Oxford Internet Institute
> 1 St Giles, Oxford OX1 3JS
> 01865 287231
> Lachlan Brown
> T(416) 826 6937
> VM (416) 822 1123
> -- 
> __________________________________________________________
> Sign-up for your own FREE Personalized E-mail at
> One click access to the Top Search Engines

Lachlan Brown
T(416) 826 6937
VM (416) 822 1123


- -- 
Sign-up for your own FREE Personalized E-mail at

One click access to the Top Search Engines


Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2002 14:04:42 +0100
From: Lev Manovich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: COMPUTER ARTIST/ EDUCATOR position | University of California, San Diego 

Please note that we are searching for 2 separate positions in computer arts
this year. 
I have posted the ad for the first position a few days ago.
This is the ad for the second position which is similar to the 1st but
focuses more on teaching.

Both ads can be also found on our website at





Lecturer with Potential Security of Employment, beginning July 1, 2003. This
position closely parallels a professorial tenure-track position. Salary
commensurate with qualifications and experience and based on UC pay scales.
We seek an artist/educator with expertise in computing and the arts (visual
arts and/or music) and demonstrated commitment to undergraduate education.
Primary responsibilities will be teaching, advising, and administrative
coordination of the innovative Interdisciplinary Computing and the Arts
Major (ICAM) offered jointly by the Departments of Visual Arts and Music.
Other responsibilities include curriculum development in conjunction with
ICAM faculty.

UCSD is a research university with facilities that include the Center for
Research in Computing and the Arts (CRCA), the San Diego Supercomputer
Center (SDSC), the California Institute for Telecommunications and
Information Technology (CAL-IT2), and opportunities for cross-campus
collaborations.  Teaching will draw upon knowledge of contemporary computing
arts and will take place in networked cross-platform (Linux, Macintosh,
NT/Windows PC) labs.  Areas of expertise might include any of the following:; digital imaging; multimedia authoring and publishing; graphics or
sound programming; virtual environments; computer-based installation;
electronics and robotics; history and theory of new media; audio and image
synthesis and processing.  MFA, DMA, PhD or equivalency required and two or
more years University teaching experience preferred.  Proven experience in
curriculum development desirable.

Send letter of application, curriculum vitae, names of three references (do
not send letters of recommendation or placement files) and evidence of work
in the field including statement of teaching philosophy and achievements as
an educator in computing and the arts, teaching evaluations, syllabi,
curricular plans, and past students work (if available).  For return of
materials, please include return mailer and postage.

Susan Smith, Chair (Position #LSOE-03-S)
University of California, San Diego
Visual Arts Department (0327)
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla, California 92093-0327

All applications received by January 10, 2003 or thereafter until position
is filled, will receive thorough consideration.  Please reference Position


Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2002 06:39:45 +1100
From: "geert lovink" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: new work of Peter Hagdahl

From: "Peter Hagdahl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dear friends,

Take a look at my new piece at the Swedish distributed art channel Beoff. It
will be up until December 11th

I have placed hidden cameras in different places in Stockholm that registers
motions in traffic and people walking.  These motions influences and changes
the animation you see on the screen.

My very best regards,

Peter Hagdahl

- ---

About "Simualated social model no 2(sensoric transformation)"

In several of his pieces Peter Hagdahl has been working with questions on
how individuals influences and are influenced by the society. His pieces
investigate the relation between the virtual digital world and the physical
"real" world. In pieces like Under Influence/Trabsformation and
Transformation model 7 the audience was influencing a virtual world, whether
he or she wanted it or not. I digital film was affected by the appearance of
the viewer. The physical motion then had a virtual consequence that could be
seen in a projection on a wall where the piece was shown.

In his new piece, Simulated social model no2 (sensoric transformation), on
Beeoff Hagdahl takes the discussion further. A camera is placed somewhere in
Stockholm where it registers motions in traffic and people walking. The
registration of the camera is converted to impulses that are sent via
Internet to the Beeoff studio just outside Stockholm. In the studio the
impulses influences a 3D-animation.

That means that the individuals passing by the camera are influencing a
digital milieu placed far away. The result, the digital influenced
animation, is then shown at several places in Scandinavia and on a web site.

Hagdahl's piece becomes an interesting social sculpture and pictures complex
relations in society. Who is influencing who? How does the technology
influence the individual and society and vice versa?

The camera, wherever it is placed, will not gain any attention. The people
passing by will not know, and will not ever know, that they with their
motions influence a digital animation. Still audiences all around the world
will see their interaction with the technology.

It is easy to draw parallels to how IT-technology can be used or misused.
Our daily life is registered in many ways and we almost never think of it.
Our lives are transformed to data in different digital worlds, data that
creates basis for changes.

When Hagdahl uses Internet the discussion is widen. The distance between the
physical reality and the digital reality is larger. More and more the
digital world becomes a Freudian dream developed by impulses from an
unconscious physical reality.

Bjorn Norberg, curator at Beeoff.


Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2002 15:08:34 +0100
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (philip pocock)
Subject: Unmovie

Unmovie 2002
Axel Heide, onesandzeros, Philip Pocock, Gregor Stehle

Software Mix: twisted python, flash/actionscript, xml, mbrola, megahal, 
sorenson, linux, mysql, php. All code open source!, linked to portal.

before entering possible discussion concerning the time/code-factors of 
keeping net-art current, should nettime readers have any interest at all 
in ai hypercinema, and are not cordonned off by a firewall, check 
Unmovie launched 15.11.2002.

this project has been developed over a 2 year intensive period. we would 
appreciate any crossplatform bug reporting, input, criticism, 



Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2002 18:06:50 -0800
From: Michael Mandiberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: -- =?iso-8859-1?Q?=22Total_=DCberzogen=22?= --  Edith 
Russ Site

just a short note to announce that i just launched a site called 
"Critical Discourse"  ( as part of the 
"Total Überzogen" group exhibition at the Edith Russ Site for Media 
Art in Oldenburg Germany.   in response the exhibitions' theme, the 
site i have created is a hypothetical literary agency that promotes 
the work of art critics and writers.  there are seventeen other 
artists/collectives in the show as well.  i've included the official 
release below.  hope you enjoy.  michael

Total Überzogen (Completely Covered/Totally Overdone)
Opening Reception: Friday, 29. November 2002, 8 pm
30. November 2002 - 9. February 2003

Adbusters (CAN), Banner Art Collective (USA), Urs Breitenstein (CH), 
Candice Breitz (ZA), Deporatation Class (D), Johan Grimonprez (B), 
Lise Harlev (DK), Swetlana Heger (CZ), Jenny Holzer (USA), Inventory 
(GB), Adria Julia (E), Dagmar Keller/Martin Wittwer (D/CH), Michael 
Mandiberg (USA), Julian Opie (GB), Peter Roehr (D), Daniel Pflumm 
(D), Johannes Wohnseifer (D), Florian Zeyfang (D)

For this exhibition, the outside of the Edith Russ Site for Media 
Art's building is covered with designs by artists as well as the 
funders' logos: in the form of banners, window transparen-cies and 
illuminated lettering. Inside, the exhibition hall also features 
works that employ a variety of the forms of advertising as it is used 
by the media such as Internet banners, video, magazines, posters and 
flyers, and audio jingles: The media art space will be completely 
covered inside and out: "total überzogen".

The goal is to create a thought-provoking visual platform on the 
subject of representation in the cultural sphere - between artists, 
activists, patrons and the cultural institution itself.
A one-sided critique of current concepts for cultural funding is not 
the intention. Rather, the Edith Russ Site for Media Art will create 
a strong visual impression in order to start a vital discussion. 
Conveying the message - equally the goal of good advertising - has 
also taken top priority in cultural institutions.

Sponsors and public funders increasing demands for representation has 
been the source of much discussion in past years and has had a great 
influence on the arts. This development is a double edged sword: it 
ties art to particular image campaigns, consequently encouraging art 
that can be easily consumed by mass culture. At the same time, a 
"creative class" of indi-viduals in business who lend strategies from 
the artworld has become a large economic force. In turn, many artists 
have been inspired to integrate advertising aesthetics and 
strate-gies into their own artistic practices, creating very fruitful 
works: from the artistic appropriation of radio jingles in the 60s to 
anti-globalization activists turning entire ad campaigns inside-out.

A series of events will take place during the exhibition in order to 
create a space in which the public can watch and participate. Further 
information will follow.

The exhibition will be presented in the format of a newspaper 
publication (January release, 5 Euro).

For the duration of 11 weeks, the building  will be covered in 
colorful banners and dominate its environment. The Edith Russ Site 
for Media Art will also chase away the cold and uphold the German 
Christmas atmosphere with outdoor tours that offer a traditional 
spiced wine.

This exhibition is funded by our own budget (City of Oldenburg), the 
Beauftrage der Bundes-regierung für Kultur und Medien (National 
Funds) and the State of Niedersachsen.

We thank the company Kleinhempel as well as the Foundation of Lower 
Saxony for their support.

Admission: 2,50 / 1,50 Euro

Press images (also hi-resolution for print) can be found at:

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