Could a terrorism theme park be not far away?  /jc

+ From a UCSD press release
August 22, 2006
"Operation College Freedom"
Atkinson Hall (Calit2), UCSD
On Tuesday, August 22, a unique preparedness exercise will take place at
Atkinson Hall. Organized by San Diego?s Metropolitan Medical Strike Team
(MMST), this mock-terrorism exercise will bring together public safety
personnel from the police and fire departments, SWAT, HAZMAT, the Medical
Response System, and UCSD. For the drill, Atkinson Hall will simulate the
frontline in the war on terrorism. While first responders practice their
skills in responding to urban terrorism, researchers from the WIISARD
(Wireless Internet Information Systems for Medical Response in Disasters)
and RESCUE (Response to Crises and Unexpected Events) projects will deploy
and test new technologies for management of mass casualty situations.
Time: 9:00am-1:00pm, Venue: Atkinson Hall and nearby parking lots.
Calit2 at UCSD is looking for a few good men? and women? to volunteer to
play the role of victims. The county emergency preparedness exercise will
mobilize more than 200 first responders and emergency officials from across
San Diego County. While first responders practice their skills in responding
to urban terrorism, researchers from Calit2 will deploy and test new
technologies for management of mass casualty situations.
Want to become a "volunteer victim"? You will need to be at Atkinson Hall
from 7AM to 3PM, and you?ll be given a free t-shirt and lunch. All volunteer
victims will be given an injury script and instructions on how to act
disoriented and panicked. (Note: Volunteering will NOT entitle you to
membership in the Screen Actors Guild!) Some victims may be transferred to
area hospitals via ambulance or helicopter. Most victims will wear faux
injury make-up (moulage) to add realism to the day's event. Some victims
will be "decontaminated" by the first responders in tents and with fire
engines. This is a great opportunity to see your first responders in action
in the midst of all the excitement!
Registration is required for all volunteer victims. To volunteer or for more
information, please contact Jennifer Zimmerman, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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