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back from a lecture by Bruce Sterling in Amsterdam at the Zwijger

First of all Thanks for this, i had at least a laugh for the good show

but also, i almost had to standup and shout. then i didn't shout so i
got a bit depressed. but don't worry, writing this mail helped :)

Science Fiction Science Faction with little Satisfaction


first what i would have written on the question form to be compiled
(which wouldn't have gone through, being in fact a statement)

- -----------------------------------------------
      "I wasn't a Yuppie"
                          Philip K. Dick
- -----------------------------------------------

for Bruce Sterling televised saying that Minority Report was scripted
fby uturist designers

anthropology prof. Pels
was unfortunate he didn't share his views on Science Fiction and Africa

both Bruce and Pels haven't been generous to the public does creative
industry means greedy on thoughts? :>

i saw powerpointed images downloaded from google, but none of them
matching my science fiction mental map, no real stimulus, few literary
matching also. can we see something at a conference that is not on

i had to hear Religion and CyberPunk being spoken a couple of times in
the same sentence. without even a quote of "Information wants to be
Free" or "CyberPunk is an attitude".


i was really deluded.



please don't take my caps lock as disrespectful, i'm just passionate

let me be constructive. if you read until here and trust me this is
not just a stupid rant and i'm happy you are in Amsterdam.

i'll give you my answer to a question i would have liked to hear: what
most cyberpunks are now? the generation you contributed to create?

in short: security experts working for IT corporations

we were really all influenced by Gibson and also by you Bruce, and
many others. American litterature has been fabolous. for this we are
thankful and very respectful.

now i'm here to tell you of an emergency of the present.

i'm faithful we both wish it can transform and gain consciousness of
possible new alchemies.

i also wish like you that terror is over, but brilliant minds are
all bought by the terror industry and in best cases by monopolies of

i'm sure you know the south italians are very practical people when
it comes about raising their kids. they go for the money and do
workholydays on surveillance systems in Qatar.

there was a quick mention of Epistemology in your talk, too hard to
engage doe, i understand, as world is on paradox.

Pension funds grow capitals investing in the weapon industry that
kills citizens elsewhere, meanwhile bloggers in Baghdad establish
empathic links to people developing cancer in Amsterdam, chatting on

as a matter of fact weapons aren't new, but facing contradictions has
never been so global and interconnected.

you don't really look clueless Bruce, i mean you are very smart
and wise, modestly admitting you are clueless. socratic so to say.
allright :)

i am honoured that i can talk to an Intelligentia like you.

Rob van Kranenburg sent you some documentation of what we are soon
touring about in Europe, later i plan to move across more places.

if you like, we can meet in person to talk about Our Culture, 'd be


- -- 
(_ jaromil _)(_ http://korova.dyne.org _)

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