MEEF Vocabulary Specification 0.1
Namespace Document 21 June 2007

Abstract MEEF,  My Enemy’s Enemy is my Friend uses the World Wide Web
Consortium’s Resource Description Framework (RDF) to allow for automatic
generation of ontology for networks based upon shared antipathies

Status of this Document. This is the first draft proposal specification
for MEEF.  It provides a description of a basic vocabulary which can be
used in generating MEEF applications.  MEEF files can be added to
documents and web resources as Unicode. Versions of MEEF will
incorporate the FOAF vocabulary in order that friends of your enemies
can also be readily identifiable.

MEEF Class and Properties

Class Class:meef:entity
There is only one class in the MEEF vocabulary,
that of an entity, a thing, person, class of people, or organisation
that corresponds to the definition, ‘enemy’.

Properties have a substantially larger range.  They can be
used to state what you despise about your enemy, why they are your
enemy, what you are prepared to join together to do about it, and to
suggest properties of the entity which are deserving of mutual attack.

Whilst some actions described in the actionable kind of property
maybe illegal in some jurisdictions for certain kinds of entity there
are many kinds of entity for whom such restrictions do not apply.
Even if you are for instance an entity corresponding to the class
‘state’, it may be wise to set some of your properties to ‘hidden’ in
order that only your friends will know about i.e. your willingness
to manifest certain properties. This property can be used to declare
your antipathy as open or closed. If closed, it will block reading of
the MEEF data in a similar manner to a <no robots> tag. This is not a
secure option.

This property describes property ascribed to the
entity.  By placing it in a MEEF description you are able to share it as
a target for destruction, manipulation or other use with your co-emnity

This property describes a disease or other viral or
microbial agent that the entity is susceptible to.  As medical records
adopt Semantic Web formats as proposed by the W3C Semantic Web Health
Care and Life Sciences (HCLS) group, this capacity will be increasingly
useful as a wider ontology opens itself up to use.  Where the entity is
a country or market, HCLS will prove invaluable in assessing whether or
not it yields data worthy of treatment.

This property identifes the enemy’s favourite tv programme.

This property specifies social networking mechanisms
used by the enemy.  Where FOAF is not used, other tools must currently
be used to identify their ‘friends’.

This property allows for the distribution of URLs for the
coordination of Denial Of Service attacks.  It is expected that the
majority of MEEF-based activity be carried out in an automated fashion.

Enemies love some things.  It is important to be able to
identify them.

This property locates a URI where a rumour
concerning the entity can be found.  Rumours may be generated without
including any of the identifying characteristics of the entity and
assigned to multiple enemies.  The re-use principle is important.

This property can be used to identify any trade
based operations which the entity is carrying out, such as shares,
intellectual properties, commodities, which may be devalued via
concerted means.  This property should usually be entered into a group
under OWL.  An Semantic Web enabled trading system or knowledge base can
then be used to automate actions against the entity.

A sample MEEF declaration incorporating FOAF.

<foaf:name>George Bush</foaf:name>

Using OWL and FOAF, it is possible to assign an entity to a class of
entities.  FOAF allows the joining together of entities, OWL allows for
them to be divided, MEEF allows them to handled in an appropriate

<!-- here we see a FOAF group described. Each foaf group may be
associated with an OWL definition specifying the class of entities that
constitute the group's membership -->
<owl:Class rdf:about="";>
<owl:hasValue rdf:resource=""/>

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