I'm so sorry to hear of Armin's premature death. As far as I know, I
   never had the pleasure of meeting him, nor did I know was one of the
   founders of Telepolis where I had a column years ago. But his remarks
   on nettime were very often of great interest. To al those who knew him
   better, and to those who will miss his writing here, my condolences.



   On Feb 24, 2017, at 12:12 AM, Felix Stalder <[1]fe...@openflows.com>

   Armin Medosch died yesterday, on the day two months after being
   diagnosed with cancer. I'm sure many people on nettime knew him very
   well. He was a long-time mover and shaker in the media arts and
   network culture scene in Europe. Indeed for much longer than even
   nettime exists.

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