On 18/Mar/20 06:56, Hoofd, I.M. (Ingrid) wrote:
Teachers online doing their care work for their students everywhere in the 
world now: respect.

Totally concur, Ingrid, as a learning facilitator, yes, I understand the alienation connected with highly-mediated human connection very well. But what Andreas' repost seems to suggest, is a relinquishing of relation with those young people in a very tough moment. The comm channels that are there for 'online delivery' may be developed and used to promote awareness, action, learning about precisely what we all are going through if nothing else, as Heidrun suggests. And if I can help my interns out using those tools and those venues, I say go for it (because I am self-isolating atm, much to the displeasure of my stupid boss, invoking a university protocol that says over-60s can work from home 5 days a week).

Now, I do agree with the fact that propagation of traditional push-oriented online indoctrination in bullshit, yeah, I've never been a traditional learning facilitator who supports that in any instance, but using the Master's tools at this moment may very well aid in a positive, and interim restructuring of the future! If there is a future that any of us will recognize or that a majority will survive to experience...

A re-read of "pedagogy of the oppressed" might be in order ... IMHO, how we (at least the older nettime demographic) respond to this crisis will dictate, in the widest view, if nettime had/has and lasting/persistent value (re: the archive issue just discussed last week) ...


Dr. John Hopkins, BSc, MFA, PhD
hanging on to the Laramide Orogeny

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