On Thu, 2005-07-07 at 12:06 -0700, David MacMahon wrote:
> I have Fedora Core 4 and NetworkManager installed.  When I use 
> NetworkManager I experience DNS problems that prevent me from using 
> NetworkManager on a regular basis.  Here are the details...
> I am on a private network ( with a DHCP server, a name server 
> (at that maps names to the private IP addresses, and a 
> gateway (also at out to the Internet.  My computer gets 
> assigned IP address  The name server at maps the 
> name "dhcp-10-12-50-12.dhcp.pvt" to the address
> Most of the time (when using NetworkManager), I am not able to do a 
> reverse lookup on my ip address, but sometimes I can.  It seems as if 
> the forwarders are not called in the given order.  For example, if I run 
> the following three commands repeatedly...
> # service NetworkManager restart
> # md5sum /etc/resolv.conf /var/named/data/NetworkManager-named.conf
> # host
> ...I can tell from that the md5sums that the config files' contents do 
> not change from restart to restart, but the "host" command 
> sometimes fails and sometimes succeeds.  FWIW, forward lookups of names 
> on the private network (e.g. "dhcp-10-12-50-12.dhcp.pvt") also 
> fail/succeed in the same way.  The command "host" 
> always succeeds.
> Here are the versions of NetworkManager and bind that I have installed...
> # rpm -q NetworkManager bind
> NetworkManager-0.4-18.FC4
> bind-9.3.1-4
> The NetworkManager-named.conf file that NetworkManager generates looks 
> like this (I've masked the ips of my external DNS servers)...
> // Named configuration, generated by NetworkManager
> options {
>          directory "/";
>          query-source address * port *;
>          forward only;
>          forwarders {; <ip of dns2>; <ip of dns3>; };
>          listen-on  {; };
>          pid-file "/var/named/data/NetworkManager-pid-named";
> };
> // Disable rndc
> controls { };
> And the /etc/resolv.conf file looks like this...
> ; generated by NetworkManager, do not edit!
> ; Use a local caching nameserver controlled by NetworkManager
> nameserver
> If I change /etc/resolve.conf to...
> nameserver
> nameserver <ip of dns2>
> nameserver <ip of dns3>
> ...then "host" always succeeds.  This leads me to believe 
> that the forwarders listed in the named.conf file are not always used in 
> the given order.
> Is there anything I can do get DNS lookups to always work when using 
> NetworkManager?  As I mentioned above, this prevents me from using 
> NetworkManager.

Can you file a bug with exactly this information against 'bind' in Red
Hat bugzilla?  This sounds like a caching nameserver problem more than a
NetworkManager one.  If you could add me to the CC-list of the bug that
would be great too.


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