On Mon, 2016-04-18 at 19:42 +0200, Samuel Casa wrote:
> Hi!
> I am using NM 1.0.12 in combination with pppd and modemmanager 1.4.14
> to get a GSM link up and running.
> The mobile link comes up, but the DNS information from the provider
> is
> not updated correctly in /etc/resolv.conf by the NM.
> I can see the GSM providers DNS information in /run/resolv.conf.
> If i symlink /etc/resolv.conf -> /run/resolv.conf everything works
> fine with the update and name resolution.
> DNS information for Ethernet connections is updated correctly in
> /etc/reslov.conf.
> I am not using a resolver.
> Any ideas?

Hi Samuel,

NetworkManager does not write to /run/resolv.conf. This is probably
written by pppd.

When you run pppd yourself (without using the wwan plugin of
NetworkManager), you have to care for resolv.conf yourself.

For example, disable NetworkManager writing /etc/resolv.conf


in /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf. After that, there is
nothing wrong with symlinking /etc/resolv.conf -> /run/resolv.conf, if
that is what you want.
(Sidenote: on newer version 1.2, NM would respect your symlink, and you
would not need to disable it via configuration).

A bit more tricky is, to combine the DNS information from pppd and
NetworkManager. Maybe you could use a dispatcher script for that...

Alternatively, let NetworkManager manage the GSM connection via the
wwan plugin.

Good luck,

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