On 18.05.2016 06:14, Chris Laprise wrote:
> On 05/17/2016 07:36 PM, poma wrote:
>> On 16.05.2016 23:07, Chris Laprise wrote:
>>> On 05/16/2016 12:03 PM, poma wrote:
>>>> On 13.05.2016 00:16, Dan Williams wrote:
>>>>> On Fri, 2016-04-29 at 16:09 -0400, Chris Laprise wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I just installed NetworkManager 1.2 in fedora 23 in the hopes that I
>>>>>> can
>>>>>> get mac randomization working. Only problem is there's no sign of a
>>>>>> setting for this in nmcli or the applet. I found a reference to a
>>>>>> setting on the NetworkManager.conf manpage which states:
>>>>>>           wifi.mac-address-randomization
>>>>>>               If left unspecified, MAC address randomization is
>>>>>> disabled.
>>>>> wpa_supplicant only gained the necessary functionality that
>>>>> NetworkManager looks for back in late October 2015.  It was committed
>>>>> after wpa_supplicant 2.5 but it appears there hasn't been a release
>>>>> since then.  But once that happens, or if you build supplicant version
>>>>> from git, NM will begin to use that capability if you've enable it in
>>>>> the NM configuration.
>>>>> http://w1.fi/cgit/hostap/commit/?id=e50c50d5a090a6a52af6d92ee3a3c9cc37743747
>>>>> Dan
>>>> dbus: Expose interface globals via D-Bus properties - 2.5 backport
>>>> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1336495
>>>> Professor, your patch your move ;)
>>> LOL, that's great. I hope this means the feature could land in Fedora
>>> 24, which has wpas 2.5.
>>> Chris
>> # grep rand /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf
>> wifi.mac-address-randomization=2
>> # nmcli connection show WiFiRd | grep rand
>> 802-11-wireless.mac-address-randomization:default
>> # journalctl -o cat -b -u NetworkManager | grep random
>> NetworkManager[2081]: <info>  [...] sup-iface[[...],wlp0s2f1u3]: config: set 
>> MAC randomization to 1
>> The problem is that "rand-mac" does not work,
>> tested with patched 2.5 and 2.6-devel,
>> mt7601u and rt2800usb driven devices.
> Does this leave us with fully functional pre-connection randomization 
> anyway? I would define 'full function' as the original mac addr not 
> being broadcast when Network Manager scans then connects using either of 
> the following:
> 1. A random address for any target AP
> 2. A static spoofed address for a predefined NM connection
> The second case, at least, puts control of disclosure of the original 
> 'hardware' address in the hands of the user. That is a big step in the 
> right direction.
> I would also like to know if the second case is already possible with 
> the current unpatched releases of nm and wpas.
> Many thanks,
> Chris

2nd - 'cloned-mac-address' is there, if not from the very beginning

1st - 'mac-address-randomization' i.e. "dynamic" version of the 2nd,
       works like this - observing 'watch -n.1 macchanger -s wlp0s2f1u3'
       it randomizes "Current MAC" value,
       Current MAC:   ea:1q:3w:z5:y8:ae  <=
       Permanent MAC: 00:11:22:33:44:55

       but during connection attempts it returns
       to the original - "Permanent MAC" value,
       Current MAC:   00:11:22:33:44:55  <=
       Permanent MAC: 00:11:22:33:44:55

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