On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 09:54:03AM +0200, Nicolas Bock wrote:
> How do I check that dnsmasq is using the server? NetworkManager started
> dnsmasq with
> /usr/sbin/dnsmasq --no-resolv --keep-in-foreground --no-hosts
> --bind-interfaces --pid-file=/run/NetworkManager/dnsmasq.pid
> --listen-address= --cache-size=400 --conf-file=/dev/null
> --proxy-dnssec --enable-dbus=org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.dnsmasq
> --conf-dir=/etc/NetworkManager/dnsmasq.d
> and in /etc/NetworkManager/dnsmasq.d is only the file I dropped in there
> with the fallback DNS servers.

NetworkManager logs should contain messages from dnsmasq and there
should be lines as:

  dnsmasq[7295]: using nameserver
  dnsmasq[7295]: using nameserver

telling you which servers are in use.

If you want to be paranoid, you can temporarily add the "log-queries"
option in a configuration snippet in /etc/NetworkManager/dnsmasq.d and
restart NM. After that, NM logs will show all the queries sent by
dnsmasq to each server.


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