-----Original Message-----
        From:   Srinivasan [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
        Sent:   Monday, February 25, 2002 3:49 PM
        Subject:        [Newbie]cannot start xwindows

        but i couldn't start the  xwindows.
        i just got the root entry in bash(command prompt)
        when i typed the stat startx
        its giving errors
OK - let's see what we can do, I'm fairly new to this also,
but have had to deal with non-start problems recently...

Are you running Linux?  If so, continue.  Else let us know 
what you are running - actually, let us know your OS/distribution
and version of Xfree anyway

1.  To get the errors to a file (to read and post)

startx >& startx_errors

If memory serves, '>' directs the output to a file called startx_errors 
and '&' puts the program in the background (I think, I left my *nix 
manual at home and memory is fuzzy).  

2. To view the errors

less startx_errors

3.  It often helps to post the file with your reply, to let us see what

4.  I don't know about anyone else, but I usually need to reconfigure X
again at some point.  There are several programs to do this, depending 
on your OS, distribution and Xversion.   This may help also.

Paul Sherman
Biomedical Engineer
VA Center for Engineering & Occupational Safety and Health
St. Louis, MO

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