On 12/06/2015 10:16, Arne Jakobsson wrote:
Hi all,
I draw buildings, and was taught somewhere that we should align the building outline with its roof. Doing this, I ran into some trouble. http://i.imgur.com/vaOFIb5.gif The road intersect the building. This would not happen if we instead just kept to aligning the building outline with its base.
Is there a right way to do this?

Personally I always try and align building footprints with the base rather than the roof (otherwise very tall buildings would look very odd indeed).

I can see why (if you were mapping lots of small buildings in e.g. a HOT response) it would be easier to say "just trace the roofs" - it'd get more buildings traced quickly at a good enough quality (which surely is the aim there), but as a general principle where time isn't an issue I'd certainly try and trace the building footprint.



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