Xinhua: Serbia and Montenegro Condole Kosovo President's Death[EMAIL PROTECTED]

AFP: Serb leaders appeal for peace after Kosovo president's death

Radio Kontakt Plus: Kosovo Romanies split over independence

Economist: "Conditional independence"


Book Review: Rescue in Albania, by Harvey Sarner, Brunswick Press,
1997, 106 pages.

Kosovo and the Holocaust: Falsifying History

By Carl Savich

History is in many ways a myth we create for ourselves. History is
constantly falsified to justify wars and territorial claims. Albanian
apologists have falsified the role Albania played in the Holocaust to
justify an illegal US/NATO war against Serbia and to allow for the
creation of a Greater Albania that would include the Serbian province
of Kosovo-Metohija. The Albanian role in the Holocaust was falsified
and manipulated to advance the creation of an "independent" Kosova, an
ethnically pure Albania statelet, a second Albanian state in eastern

The Jewish victims of the Holocaust in Albania are estimated at 591
from 1941 to 1944, when a Greater Albania was sponsored by Adolf
Hitler and Benito Mussolini. There were 33 known families of Albanian
Jews living in pre-war Albania. The largest Jewish community consisted
of 15 Jewish families living in Vlora. According to the 1930 census,
there were 204 Jews living in Albania. At the Wannsee Conference in
1942, when the Final Solution was organized, the total Jewish
population of Albania was listed as 200 Jews. By 1939 there were
Jewish refugees from Germany and Austria.

The two factors that explain why more Jews in Albania were not killed
are that Albania was under Italian control and Albania had a very
small Jewish population. Italian forces in Albania rejected the Final
Solution as "the German disease" and did not enforce anti-Jewish
measures. This is why Albanian Jews were "rescued" in Albania, not
because of anything the Albanians did themselves. There was no history
of ideological anti-Semitism in Albania. But this was true of every
country in the Balkans. A history of anti-Semitism did not exist in
Greece, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Hungary, or Romania.
So Albania was not unique in this regard in any way. The small number
of Jews in Albania also played a key role in why they were not killed.
During the Italian occupation, they were able to disperse and blend in
the general population. When Germany occupied Albania in 1943, the
Jewish population was already beyond reach.

What role did Albania play in the Holocaust? Albanian apologists
maintain that no Jews were killed in Albania during the Holocaust. Is
this accurate? What is the context of this statement? Albanian
apologists have consciously and methodically falsified the Albanian
role in the Holocaust. The way this was done was to totally suppress
the fact that Kosovo-Metohija was a part of Albania from 1941 to 1944.
Also left out is the fact that a Greater Albania was in fact created
that included not only Kosovo-Metohija, Kosova in the Greater Albania
ideology, but southern Serbian territory, territory in southern
Montenegro, and western Macedonia, or Illirida. Albanian apologists
distort history by implying that it was Albanians that rescued Jews.
But in fact it was the Italian occupation forces that opposed the
Final Solution and who rescued Jews. Another falsification is the
omission of the role played by Xhafer Deva, a Kosovar Albanian Muslim,
in the Greater Albanian state and in the Holocaust.

Albanian apologists falsify the history of the Holocaust by
suppressing the fact that it was Adolf Hitler who first created a
Greater Albania that included the Serbian province of Kosovo-Metohija.
They assiduously cover-up the fact that it was Adolf Hitler who set
the precedent for an "independent" Kosova, an ethnically pure Albanian
Kosova. Albanian apologists have carefully suppressed and deleted this

Rescue in Albania by Harvey Sarner was published in book form in 1997
just in time for the Kosovo conflict and the start of the KLA
terrorism campaign sponsored by the US/EU/NATO. It began being used as
a propaganda tract immediately. The book was to pave the way for US
military intervention in Serbia. It was first published as a booklet
in 1992 as "The Jews of Albania". It was released following the aliyah
or emigration of the entire Jewish population out of Albania. They
settled in Tel Aviv and other towns and cities in Israel. Little is
revealed about the author. This throws up red flags. But Sarner did
play a major role in the emigration of Albanian Jews to Israel. So the
publication initially was payback or a goodwill gesture from Sarner
for the emigration out of Albania to Israel. Israel got 300 new
citizens and Albania got the pamphlet "The Jews of Albania", a thank
you note.

Who is Harvey Sarner? He is a third generation American of
Jewish-Polish descent. Sarner is a retired American attorney. He is
not a historian. The book is essentially a hack job. Sarner has paid
or "subsidized" visits to Israel of "Righteous Gentiles". He has
written another book, General Anders and the Soldiers of the Second
Polish Corps in 1997. Yad Vashem has listed 118 Serbs as "Righteous
Gentiles" who rescued Jews during the Holocaust while only 61
Albanians have been so honored. But Sarner conveniently doesn't
mention this. He is the chairman of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL)
Jewish Foundation for Christian Rescuers. He has worked with Jews in
Poland, Ukraine, and Albania. His primary focus is on Jewish
emigration to Israel and in documenting those non-Jews who have
"rescued" Jews during the Holocaust.

Rescue in Albania is nothing more than a thinly-veiled propaganda
tract. His subtitle is: "One Hundred Percent of Jews in Albania
Rescued from Holocaust." The book features an Albanian and Israeli
flag on the cover. Van Christo, the Albanian president of the Frosina
Foundation, has used the book for "fund raising purposes" to obtain
money for the separatist campaign in Kosovo. Lobby money can buy you a
lot of lies. That is the American way. And Sarner knows that.

In this propaganda tract, Sarner says nothing about the 21st SS
Division "Skanderbeg", made up primarily of Kosovar Muslim recruits,
nothing about the genocide committed by Albanians against the Serbian
and Jewish populations of Kosovo, and the genocide in
Bosnia-Hercegovina, and Croatia. He says nothing about the destruction
of Serbian Orthodox churches and cathedrals in Kosovo. He says nothing
about the murder of Serbian Orthodox priests. Is it ignorance? It is
willful ignorance. He suppresses and deletes anything negative about
Albania and Albanians. A fundamental aspect of propaganda is that it
is one-sided, subjective, and tells only half the story. Under this
definition, Rescue in Albania is pure propaganda.

In October, 1997, the Albanian American Civic League (AACL, Lobbi
Shqiptar), headed by Joe DioGuardi, began a systematic campaign to use
the book by Sarner as a propaganda tool in the upcoming Kosovo
separatist/terrorist war. DioGuardi lost his re-nomination bid in 1988
for Congress. Rejected by US voters, DioGuardi turned his efforts to
the Muslim Kosovars, representing the citizens of another country,
Yugoslavia. The AACL had been founded in 1989 by DioGuardi to revive
the Greater Albania ideology established by the 1878 First League of
Prizren. In 1943, Nazi Germany re-established the dormant Greater
Albania ideology or program by establishing the Second League of
Prizren under Xhafer Deva.

DioGuardi's agenda for the AACL is stated as follows: "to liberate the
seven million Albanian people in the Balkans from hostile Slavic
domination." This is an echo of Hitler's statements regarding the
Sudeten Germans in 1938.  It is nothing less than a racist,
neo-fascist and neo-Nazi ideology and campaign of expansion, to create
a Greater Albania. The AACL requested that Thomas Lantos and Benjamin
Gilman write a Forward to Rescue in Albania. The League distributed
10,000 copies, mostly to influential Jews in the US as propaganda for
the coming separatist conflict in Kosovo-Metohija. Congressman Gilman
and James Traficant then sent copies of the book with personal letters
to each Jewish member of Congress with a "Dear Colleague" letter to
other House members.

U.S. Representative James Traficant, D-Ohio, was later found guilty on
bribery and corruption charges. A House panel voted to expel Traficant
in 2002 from the US Congress. This shows that the Albanian apologists
will say and do anything to support Greater Albania, even break the
law. It shows that you can buy anything with a bribe. Money can buy a
lot of lies. And this is the real danger of all propaganda. Anyone
with any money can falsify the facts and manipulate others to kill.
Bribes can buy a lot of propaganda, or PR or spin. And the goal is to
get people to kill other people and to take their land. Wars come and
go, but propaganda methods do not change.

Sarner begins his book on the Holocaust with a discussion of Greater
Albania, "The Four Vilayets" under Ottoman Turkey: Janina, Shkodra,
Kosovo, and Manastir. This is merely a parroting of the Greater
Albania ideology. Sam Vaknin, in "The Myth of Greater Albania",
October 18, 1999, in the Central Europe Review, argued the opposite
view: "Historically, there was never a 'Greater Albania' to hark back
to." But this is absolutely and patently incorrect and false. Vaknin
conveniently and inexplicably suppresses and deleted any mention of
the 1878 Albanian League of Prizren, whose sole raison d'etre was to
create a Greater Albania. In 1943, the Nazis sponsored the creation of
a Second League of Prizren, whose goal again, was to create a Greater
Albania. The Kosovar Albanian Muslim Skanderbeg Nazi SS Division was
created to establish a Greater Albania. In fact, from 1941 to 1944,
there was a Greater Albania which Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini
created. Vaknin seems to have amnesia on this point. He apparently has
deleted the period 1941 to 1944 from his memory. This is convenient
for his argument. Four years in the history of Kosovo and Albania are
erased from the history books. It is as if the period 1941 to 1944
never even existed. The supporters of Greater Albania and the creation
of an independent Kosova are in serious denial and self-repression.
Why? They don't want to admit to themselves, or anyone else, that
Adolf Hitler devised and developed the Greater Albania and independent
Kosova policies long before they did. Adolf Hitler was there first.
Hitler was prescient and way ahead of the curve on Kosovo. And this is
why there is denial, amnesia, and psychological self-repression. The
result is a falsification of history.

There was a Greater Albania to hark back to, and Sarner does an
excellent job in re-creating the Greater Albania ideology. Greater
Albania may be a "myth" to Vaknin, but it is not a myth to Albanians
but the primary focus of their national being and identity. Greater
Albania is a hard factual reality for Albanians. Vaknin makes a
semantic distinction that is irrelevant and meaningless. When Kosovo
is 100% ethnically pure Albanian and all the Kosovo Serbs and Roma and
Jews have been killed or driven out and Serbian Orthodox churches
destroyed, the border between Old Albania and New Albania, i.e.,
Kosovo will be meaningless. Kosova will just be a second Albanian
state and the distinction between Albania proper and Kosovo will be
moot. Kosova will, for all intents and purposes, and in a practical
sense, be part of a Greater Albania. Vaknin's argument is specious and
totally wrong.

This discussion of a Greater Albania is just recycled by Sarner from
handouts his Albanian minders provided to him. There is no question
that Sarner has been provided Albanian handlers to help him with his
facts. What Sarner was not told is that these so-called Albanian
Vilayets have non-Albanian majorities and were never part of Albania.
This is the myth of Greater Albania. Janina is in northern Greece and
has never been part of Albania. The population is majority Greek.
There is a small Albanian minority in that former Ottoman Turkish
"vilayet". Manastir, or Bitola today, is in southern Macedonia which
is majority Macedonian with a minuscule Albanian population. It was
never part of Albania. Shkodra is the territory around southern
Montenegro. Montenegro has a minority Albanian population and has
never been part of Albania. Kosovo-Metohija is the cradle of the
Serbian Orthodox church and of Serbian culture. The towns, cities, and
villages all have Serbian names from the medieval period when it was
part of Serbia. The oldest Serbian Orthodox churches are located in
Kosovo. Albanian settlement and colonization during the Ottoman
Turkish period could not erase its Serbian heritage. Moreover,
Kosovo-Metohija was never a part of Albania. In fact, there had never
been an Albanian state until 1912. But Sarner is silent about all of

There are many factual errors and mistakes showing Sarner's total and
complete ignorance of the actual Holocaust history of Albania. He
referred to "General Futzstun, the Gestapo chief…" There was no such
person named Futzstun. In fact, this was SS Brigadefuehrer Jozef
Fitzhum (1896-1945), who was the Higher SS and Police Leader (Hoherer
SS und Polizeifuehrer, HSSPF) in Albania. Fitzhum was responsible for
internal security, the war against the resistance or guerrillas, and
the implementation of the Final Solution. He assumed control in
Albania after German forces occupied Albania following the surrender
of Italy in September, 1943. He had been the police chief in Vienna
from 1938 to 1940. Fitzhum created the 21st SS Division Skanderbeg
with Xhafer Deva, made up mostly of Kosovar Muslim Albanians. As noted
by Raul Hilberg in The Destruction of the European Jews (1961),
Skanderbeg played a major role in the Holocaust, rounding up the Jews
in Greater Albania who were subsequently sent to Bergen-Belsen where
they were killed.

Sarner sought to make a distinction between Albania proper and Kosovo.
He defined Kosovo as part of "the annexed territories". But this is a
bit of a ruse and a phony scam. Kosovo was made a part of Albania in
1941. Kosovo was called the "New Albania". The Interior Minister of
Albania was a Kosovan or Kosovar Albanian Muslim, Xhafer Deva. Deva
was one of the most influential Albanians in the Albanian Government.
And he was from Kosovo. Sarner seeks to obfuscate this obvious fact by
creating a spurious and meaningless distinction.

Sarner admitted that Jews in Kosovo were being sent to the
concentration camps where they were killed: "All around them…in the
annexed territories, Jews were being transported to the death camps."
He admits that Kosovo Jews were being killed. He doesn't admit that it
was the Albanians who rounded up the Jews so that they could be
killed. Why the omission? He is writing propaganda. He seeks to
falsify the Albanian role in the Holocaust.

He grossly exaggerated the uniqueness of the "rescue" of Jews in
Albania: "In Athens, the Jews refused to supply a list and there was a
50% survival rate." He is factually wrong. In fact, the survival rate
was 66% in Athens for Jews. Athens, like Albania, was in the Italian
occupation zone. This explains why the Jews were "rescued", not
because of Albanian actions. It would be analogous to a cheerleader
claiming credit for a win of the football team. In short, the
Albanians had nothing to do with the so-called rescue. This is giving
the Albanians credit for something that they were not responsible for.
It is a falsification of history. It is out and out propaganda.

By contrast, in Bulgaria, an estimated 50,000 Bulgarian Jews were
"rescued". But Bulgarians did allow the Jews of Macedonia and Thrace,
then a part of a Greater Bulgaria, to be deported and killed by German
forces. Sarner harped on the propaganda statement that there were more
Jews in Albania after World War II than before it. But this is
misleading. There were only 200 Jews in all of Albania proper during
the war. These Albanian Jews were "rescued" because the Italian
occupation forces did not support the German Final Solution. Because
of this fact, Jews in Eastern Europe all fled to Italian zones of
occupation to escape German incarceration and deportation. The
Italians also "rescued" Serbs from genocidal attacks by Croatian
Ustasha forces, Bosnian Muslims, and Kosovar Albanian Muslims. Albania
was part of the route to then Palestine, containing several ports.
Jewish refugees passed through Albania because it was on the way to
Palestine, not because of an Albanian desire to "rescue" Jews. This is
an absurd propaganda construction concocted by Sarner and his Albanian
handlers .

Why this obsession and constant harping on "the list"? Sarner wrote
his book when the Holocaust movie Schindler's List (1993) was
released. He wants to make the connection very easy to follow for his
readers. He doesn't want to complicate things for them too much. Oskar
Schindler did not divulge a "list" of Jews to the Nazis, and the
Albanians did not divulge a list to the Nazis. It is very easy and
simple to follow. Oskar Schindler was a "Righteous Gentile", as were
the Albanian "Christians and Muslims" who "rescued" Jews. This
explains why there is an overemphasis on "the list".

Sarner does not examine World War II at any length. Although his
subject matter is purportedly on World War II and the Holocaust, there
is very little on the Holocaust itself. He finally gets around to
discussing the Holocaust period in "Chapter 7", which he titled "The
Germans". Most of the book is on Jewish settlement in Albania and the
1930s period when Jewish-American Herman Bernstein was the US
Ambassador to Albania. There is almost no account of the Holocaust and
World War II. Why is this? This is because Sarner does not want to
elucidate, but obfuscate. He wants to cover-up, not reveal.

He starts off with an incorrect assertion: "The fact" is " that the
Albanian Government and people did not cooperate with the Germans..."
According to Sarner, Xhafer Deva, the Kosovar Muslim Interior Minister
denied the list of Jews to the German forces on page 43. He offers no
evidence for these statements. Factually, the Albanian Government and
people did cooperate with the Germans. Indeed, Deva helped to organize
the Nazi 21st Waffen SS Division "Skanderbeg". Moreover, there was an
Albanian Muslim Battalion of about 300 men in the Bosnian Muslim 13th
Waffen Gebirgs Division der SS "Handschar/Handzar". Rudi Sommerer was
the commander of the Albanian Battalion in the Handzar Nazi SS
Division. Kosovar Albanian Muslim Nazir Hodic was a prominent member
of the Albanian Battalion in Handzar. This Albanian Battalion would
later form the core of the Skanderbeg Nazi SS Division. The SS
designed special gray skull caps for the Albanian Nazi SS troops. The
Albanian Skanderbeg SS Division also had its own symbol created by the
SS and worn as a collar patch, a goat's head helmet supposedly modeled
on the one worn by Skanderbeg himself. Sarner doesn't even discuss the
Balli Kombetar (BK), an ultra-nationalist group committed to creating
a Greater Albania that would include Kosovo. Sarner says nothing about
the known and widespread collaboration of the Balli Kombetar with the
Italian and German occupation forces.

Sarner maintained that in 1943, the German occupation forces made a
request for a list of Jews living in Greater Albania. The Germans
established an Albanian national committee that created the Regency
that governed Greater Albania. In the spring of 1944, the Nazis asked
the Regency for the list of Jews according to Sarner. The real reason
the Jews in Albania proper were not rounded up and deported was
because under Italian occupation they had dispersed and were difficult
to concentrate. German forces and Albanian collaborators made an
effort to kill all the Jews of Greater Albania, but the German forces
had to withdraw from Albania and the war ended before this could be
accomplished. But in Kosovo-Metohija, then part of a Greater Albania,
and Xhafer Deva's birthplace, Albanians did round up all the known
Jews, who were subsequently sent to the death camps and killed. The
reference to "the list" is a smokescreen and Sarner is a pettifogger.

The reason there was a "rescue" in Albania was because the Italian
government did not support the Final Solution and prevented its
implementation. The German anti-Jewish policy was termed "the German
disease" by the Italians.

Albanians, however, did play a major role in the Holocaust, the mass
killings of Albanian Jews. Sarner plays dumb. All anyone has to do is
to check Raul Hilberg's seminal Holocaust book, The Destruction of the
European Jews from 1961, to learn that Albanians played a key and
fundamental role in the Holocaust. Sarner calls Kosovo a part of "The
Annexed Territories". He doesn't reveal that Adolf Hitler and Benito
Mussolini created a Greater Albania. He doesn't tell us that
Kosovo-Metohija, parts of Montenegro, southern Serbia, and western
Macedonia were all parts of a Greater Albania. Why? This is the exact
same goal today of US foreign policy and of NATO. It is Adolf Hitler's
vision. But today, Hitler's vision is taken up and revived by the US
and NATO and Joe DioGuardi and Thomas Lantos. But Hitler did it first.
But of course, Sarner is unaware of all this. His is a blissful
ignorance. He does concede that Kosovo was made part of Albania: "In
April, 1941" Kosovo "was annexed to Albania…"

Here is what Sarner says about Kosovo: "The Jews in the 'annexed area'
were not as fortunate as the Jews in Albania proper. Life in the
annexed territories was not as secure and there were unfortunate
incidents of Jews being abused by the local people." So he does
grudgingly admit that Albanians did participate in the anti-Semitic
outrages against the Jewish population, although he does not use the
word "Kosovar Muslim" or "Albanian" but refers to "the local people".

There was a Jewish family that was killed in Albania. The Jewish
family Ardel was killed by the Nazis in Albania, but Sarner qualifies
this as being a family of partisans. They were killed not because they
were Jewish, but because they were partisans.

What about the Balli Kombetar (BK, National Front in Shqip), which
emerged after October, 1942 in Vlora, a BK stronghold, where it was
founded by Midhat Frasheri? Why does Sarner omit any discussion of the
BK? Was the BK an anti-Nazi resistance movement? Was the BK a
Nazi/fascist collaborationist group? Sarner suppresses and covers up
any information on the BK.

Bernd Jurgen Fischer, the foremost US historian on Albania during the
Holocaust, a professor of history at the Indiana University-Purdue
University Indianapolis---Fort Wayne, explained the role of the BK as
follows: Much of the Balli Kombetar, which had remained aloof, was
finally convinced to throw in its lot with the Germans." Fischer noted
that three members of the BK joined the Rexhep Mitrovica cabinet in
January, 1944. Mitrovica was a "Kosovar" or "Kosovan" Albanian.
Mitrovica was the Prime Minister in the Nazi-created Greater Albania
regime, later replaced by the Zogist Fikri Dine. Xhafer Deva, a
Kosovar Muslim, was the interior minister under the Nazi regime. Thus,
the two highest positions, the prime minister and interior minister of
Greater Albania, were held by Kosovars from Kosovo. Kosovo Albanian
Muslims ran Greater Albania.

The collaboration of the Balli Kombetar with the Nazi and fascist
forces is well-documented and well established. According to Fischer,
"elements of the Balli Kombetar supported the Germans." Fischer
offered conclusive historical evidence and documentation that the
Balli Kombetar, although opportunistic, concerned with gaining power,
and forcefully annexing "Kosova" to a Greater Albania, was a
Nazi/fascist collaborationist group. In February, 1944, British
liaison officers reported that it was difficult for the partisans and
resistance groups to attack the German forces because "they were being
screened by elements of the Balli Kombetar and that these forces had
become a normal part of any German force." Bill Stone, in a review of
Bernd Fischer's book Albania at War, 1939-1945, wrote: "The National
Front, however, fragmented completely and for the most part its local
leaders chose to cease their already limited resistance activities and
collaborate with the occupiers." This is conclusive proof that the BK
was a Nazi/fascist grouping. Fischer leaves no doubt about the role of
the BK during the Holocaust. This is why Sarner deletes and covers up
any mention of the BK.

Another prominent Kosovar Albanian Muslim, Bedri Pejani, was appointed
to committee the Nazi occupation authorities established to rule the
Nazi-created Greater Albania. Pejani announced a plan to create a
Greater Islamic State consisting of Albania, Bosnia-Hercegovina, and
the Sandzak/Rashka region of Serbia. The plan was presented to the
Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin el Husseini, who approved of the
Pejani plan because it was seen as being in the interests of Islam.
The German government, however, opposed the plan. The German
occupation regime sought to gain the support of the Albanians by
creating a Greater Albania which would include Kosovo. The German
occupation officials emphasized that their policy in Kosovo, the "new
Albania", was to annex the province permanently to Albania proper, the
"Old Albania". The Germans sought to convince the Albanians that
German foreign policy would achieve the annexation of "Kosova" to Old
Albania. The German occupation forces, like the US and NATO and the EU
would later do, sought to win over the Albanian population by
bestowing on them land that did not belong to them, by giving away
Serbian territory to gain the support of Albanian proxies. This
resulted in Albanians flocking to the Nazi cause.

In "The Myth of Greater Albania", Sam Vaknin argued that "in Albania
proper, three anti-fascist resistance movements-… Balli Kombetar (the
National Front)…fought against the occupiers." This is patently and
obviously incorrect and constitutes a falsification of the history of
the BK. It also whitewashes the BK. Factually, the BK was a
Nazi/fascist collaborationist movement, not an "anti-fascist
resistance movement". The Federal Research Division of the U.S.
Library of Congress published Albania: A Country Study in which the
Nazi/fascist collaborationist role of the BK was explained as follows:

Some Balli Kombetar units cooperated with the Germans against the
communists, and several Balli Kombetar leaders held positions in the
German-sponsored regime. Albanian collaborators, especially the
Skanderbeg SS Division, also expelled and killed Serbs living in
Kosovo. …The nationalistic Geg chieftains and the Tosk landowners
often came to terms with the Italians, and later the Germans….

Why the ignorance? Why does Bernd Jurgen Fischer and the Federal
Research Division of the U.S. Library of Congress know the role of the
BK but other "experts" do not? Clearly, the goal here is to create PR
and propaganda for the creation of a Greater Albania including Kosovo,
or the practical equivalent, an "independent Kosova". To reveal the
factual history of the BK would not help in the creation of an
"independent Kosova". The whole game here is to conceal the fact that
Adolf Hitler was the original sponsor of an independent Kosova, part
of a Greater Albania. Logically speaking, it would not help in the
creation of an independent Kosova if it was revealed that the BK was a
Nazi/fascist group that also sought the same thing, but with Adolf
Hitler's help, instead of Bill Clinton's. The syllogism would not

Sarner incorrectly implied that Albania escaped all the horrors of the
Final Solution and Holocaust. But this is not true. Albania too
experienced the Holocaust. The German occupation forces imposed
anti-Jewish laws in Kosovo. Kosovo Jews wore "J" for "Juden" or "Jew".
Kosovo Jews wore white armbands with the word "Jude" in black letters.
ID cards were stamped with a red "J". Josef Fitzhum was determined to
carry out the Final Solution in Albania. Fitzhum ordered the Jews of
Vlora deported. And at least one Jewish family was killed.

Sarner finally got around to admitting that Albanians played an active
and major role in the Holocaust: "In Prishtina, capital city of the
annexed territories, the local authorities complied with German
demands and jailed 60 Jewish men."

The Albanian Government played an active role in the Holocaust. On
April 1, 1942, the Albanian Minister of the Interior gave instructions
to the Albanian Prefect of Police that Jews who came after the war
started should be "gathered on a field of concentration." On March 20,
1942, he had ordered that the Jews be imprisoned and a list of Jews
provided. In Note C, The Fields of Concentration, Sarner conceded that
this euphemistic language meant a concentration camp: "This was the
name given to what were otherwise known as concentration camps. These
were camps for civilians and…their populations were mainly Jews….The
camps were surrounded by barbed wire….It was an ugly place." This is a
very roundabout and disingenuous and dishonest way to admit that the
Albanian Government set up concentration camps for Jews in Albania. It
is artful spin and propaganda. But it is also a malicious attempt at
falsifying history. Sarner is rewriting history, creating a phony and
bogus history.

Sarner even finally conceded that the Albanian Government and Albanian
authorities took an active part in the extermination of European Jews:
"In June, 1943…the Albanian police chief suggested the jailing of
certain Jews:

'According to our investigation the Jews listed below are dangerous
because they are propaganderizing [sic] against the Axis (Rome-Berlin)
and they want to organize and hold meetings. We think these people
should be taken away from here as soon as possible to one of the
concentration fields, because their staying here could be dangerous to
the regime.'"

To complete the circle, Sarner finally grudgingly admits that the
Albanian Government and people played a major role in the Holocaust
and Final Solution: "In April, 1944, the Germans shipped 400 Jews from
the annexed territories to Bergen-Belsen; 100 survived the war."
Sarner then grudgingly admitted that the Albanians participated in the
murder of at least 300 Albanian Jews, Jews who lived in Greater

Then Sarner creates a propaganda smokescreen by arguing absurdly that
the Albanians only helped to kill only 40% of the Jewish population of
Kosovo, then a part of Greater Albania: "According to our report the
survival rate in Kosove [sic] was sixty percent, which made it,
relatively, one of the areas with the highest percentage of survival
in occupied Europe." This is a patently absurd and nonsensical
argument. It displays a bizarre moral calculus.

Finally, in Footnote 2, Sarner explained why he wrote the book and its
ultimate purpose. The book was written essentially as a propaganda
tract, a falsified history of the Holocaust, in order to garner
support for the creation of a Greater Albania or "independent" Kosova.
This is the method to Sarner's madness. There almost always is some
secret purpose, isn't there? These "experts" always have a hidden
agenda that they peddle. Propaganda is, rarely, if ever random.
Propaganda is meticulously coordinated and planned out. In propaganda,
there is no such thing as an accident or something happening by
chance. The book had a clear-cut goal and purpose all along.
Propaganda is written for a specific purpose and goal. As Adolf Hitler
himself noted, propaganda is not written for "blas� young gentlemen",
but to convince the masses, to persuade key groups, key target
audiences. In this case, the target audience was powerful and
influential establishment Jews in the US.

Sarner parrots the Albanian and US State Department policy on the
Serbian province of Kosovo-Metohija as follows: "The status of
Kosova[sic], currently a part of Yugoslavia, is in contention today.
Albanians favor either independence for Kosova or its being a part of
Albania. The people of the area are ethnic Albanians." Of course, this
statement too is incorrect and is patently absurd. The borders of
Yugoslavia are recognized by the United Nations and by international
law. Yugoslavia, as a sovereign nation, has a right and duty to
safeguard and protect its own internationally recognized and legal
borders. But Sarner knows all that. Propaganda is not written to be
rational. As Hitler noted, propaganda appeals to the emotions and
subjective and irrational nature of man. This is what Sarner is
appealing to.

What is the Kosovo conflict all about? Edith Durham in The Burden of
the Balkans, published in 1905, explained the Albanian goal in Kosovo
succinctly and clearly:

The Christian the Albanian persecutes is the Slav Christian, and this
is the old, old race hatred. Of all the passions that sway human
fortunes, race hatred is, perhaps, the strongest and the most lasting.

The Kosovo conflict is all about "race hatred", what we call "racism"
today. It is all about finishing the job Adolf Hitler and Benito
Mussolini started. It is called genocide and ethnic cleansing. This is
the real goal. This is why Sarner is falsifying the history.

Durham also argued that the Shqip or Albanian language is an "Aryan
tongue". The Nazi/fascist sponsors of Greater Albania in 1941 would
also argue that the Albanians were part of the Aryan, or master race,
a superior race.

In 1991, virtually the entire Jewish population of Albania left for
Israel. The Jews were airlifted to Israel after the collapse of the
Communist regime. Albania under the Communist regime of Enver Hoxha
maintained no diplomatic relations with Israel. Hoxha abolished
religion and created an atheistic state in Albania. Today, there are
less than 40 Jews in all of Albania. They live in the capital Tirana.
In Kosovo, the small Jewish population was ethnically cleansed out of
Kosovo in 1999 along with Kosovo Serbs and other non-Albanians after
NATO troops occupied the Serbian province. The Kosovo Jews fled to
Belgrade. There are no more Jews living in Kosovo today, which is
under NATO military occupation.


Durham, Edith. The Burden of the Balkans. London: Edward Arnold, 1905.

Fischer, Bernd Jurgen. Albania at War, 1939-1944. W. Lafayette, IN:
Purdue University Press, 1999.

---King Zog and the Struggle for Stability in Albania. Boulder: East
European Monographs, 1984.

---"The Jews in Albania during the Zogist and Second World War
Period." Illyria. Albanische Studenten in Hamburg. Deutschland.

---"The Germans in Albania during the Second World War and After."
Lecture held on November 28th, 2003---Albanian Flag Day---in Hamburg.
Illyria. Albanische Studenten in Hamburg. Deutschland.

Hilberg, Raul. The Destruction of the European Jews. Chicago: 
Quadrangle Books, Inc.,  1961.

Kohen, Anna. "Remembering Albania's Protection of the Jews during the
Holocaust." May 2, 1997. Frosina Information Network: An Albanian
Immigrant & Cultural Resource. Boston, MA.

Kotani, Apostol. The Hebrews in Albania during Centuries. Tirana,
Albania: n.p., n.d.
Sarner, Harvey. Rescue in Albania. Cathedral City, CA: Brunswick Press, 1997.

---The Jews of Albania. Cathedral City, CA: Brunswick Press, 1992.

Vaknin, Sam. "The Myth of Greater Albania." Central Europe Review.
October 18, 1999.

                                   Serbian News Network - SNN



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