
Kosovo police block medical supplies to Serb enclave

5 March 2008 | 19:00 | Source: Beta

PRIŠTINA, GRACANICA -- Kosovo police, KPS, said a vehicle
transporting medical supplies has been stopped and confiscated.

The incident happened yesterday near Vucitrn in Kosovo.

A spokesman for the KPS told reporters in Priština that the vehicle,
carrying medicines to the Serb enclave of Gracanica, "did not have the
necessary paperwork".

The spokesman also said that the vehicle was "handed over to the customs
service, and that they should be asked when the Gracanica pharmacies will
get their supplies".

The supplies were sent from central Serbia to the hospital and pharmacies in
the enclave. Stojan Sekulic, the hospital director there, said that
medicines worth RSD 3mn were previously stranded in southern Kosovska
Mitrovica for two says.

UNMIK deputy commissioner Larry Wilson promised that the supplies would be
released, however, he later retracted, to say that the matter was outside of
his jurisdiction, and referred the doctors to UNMIK customs, Sekulic

                                   Serbian News Network - SNN



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