Croatia 'attacked Serbs in land grab' 

Mike Corder 

August 30, 2010 


Croatian forces shelled civilians and torched their homes in a deliberate 
effort to expel tens of thousands of Serbs during a lightning 1995 campaign to 
seize back land occupied early in the Balkan wars, UN war crimes prosecutors 

The ethnic cleansing allegations were made as prosecution lawyers at the 
Yugoslav war crimes tribunal summed up their case against General Ante 
Gotovina, who commanded the blitz known as Operation Storm, and two other 
Croatian generals.

The case is unusual because prosecutors insist the generals are guilty despite 
having issued orders to troops not to commit crimes. They say the generals 
never intended the orders to be followed.

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The 1995 offensive is still a source of friction between Croatia and Serbia. 
Zagreb celebrates it with a national holiday, while Belgrade regards it as one 
of the worst crimes against Serbs committed during the Balkan wars.

Marking the 15th anniversary of Operation Storm in early August, Serbian 
President Boris Tadic called it a "crime which shouldn't be forgotten".

His Croatian counterpart Ivo Josipovic responded saying it was "above all, the 
crown of the justified liberation war".

Prosecutors claim 324 Serbs were killed, including elderly and disabled 
villagers - many "executed" with gunshots to the head.

Monday's hearing was being broadcast on Croatian state television but raised 
little interest in Serbia. Gotovina, Mladen Markac and Ivan Cermak have pleaded 
innocent and are regarded as heroes in their homeland.

Prosecutors have demanded sentences of 27 years for Gotovina, 23 years for 
Markac and 17 years for Cermak. Their trial began in March 2008 and heard from 
145 witnesses. Verdicts are expected later this year.

The tribunal has in other cases convicted several senior officers for issuing 
orders to their men to commit atrocities, or for failing to punish subordinates 
who violated international law.

In this case, however, the prosecution acknowledges Croatian troops repeatedly 
were warned against committing crimes, but it claims those orders were never 
meant to be followed.

Prosecutor Alan Tieger told the three-judge panel it was "patently absurd that 
there was any genuine intent to implement them". Instead, he said, the orders 
were intended to fool the international community into believing Zagreb was 
acting to prevent crimes and to distance the Croat government and military from 

Tieger quoted testimony from the former US ambassador to Croatia, Peter 
Galbraith, who told judges Operation Storm included "serious and systematic 
crimes for which the Croatian leadership is fully responsible".

Prosecutor Ed Russo said Croatia used a campaign of indiscriminate shelling to 
spark terror among the Serb population and followed it with "psychological 
operations" including dropping leaflets advising Serbs how to flee the region. 
Once the Serbs were gone, Zagreb began an operation to repopulate the region 
with Croats.

Russo said testimony from survivors showed Serbs "fled to escape the widespread 
and unlawful artillery attack on their towns and villages".

Defence lawyers said the shelling was aimed at legitimate military targets and 
orders for troops not to commit crimes were genuine attempts to prevent attacks 
on civilians. Gotovina's lawyer, Luka Misetic, said the Serb exodus was planned 
by Croatian Serb leaders.

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