My letter published in The Patriot-News (Harrisburg, PA.)  I've shown in bold, 
what was deleted by the editors.  Stella


Building of NYC mosque would be an outrage

Published: Sunday, October 03, 2010, 12:25 AM 

Letters to the Editor  


Congratulations to Zoe Wray for her astute article, “NYC mosque proposal stirs 
desired response,” (Sept. 26). She shows wisdom and courage beyond her years. 

Should the 9/11 mosque near ground zero spearheaded by a New York [slum lord]  
imam become a reality, the mosque would celebrate yet another triumph of Islam 
over its victims. Even the proposed name for the mosque, The Cordova House, has 
deep significance because the name comes from Cordova, Spain, where a giant 
mosque, built on the ruins of a Christian cathedral, marked one of Islam’s 
greatest conquests during the Middle Ages. 

The final outrage is that the proposed grand opening of the 9/11 mosque is 
scheduled for Sept. 11, 2011, a direct slap in the face of the 9/11 victims, 
their families and our nation.However, it would not be the first time Islamic 
conquerors erected mosques over sacred sites, symbolizing their victories. [The 
al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem is built on top of one of the holiest sites in 
Judaism, the Temple Mount.  Built in the 6th century by the Emperor Justinian, 
what greater triumph of Islam than the four minarets that surround the 
magnificent Hagia Sophia Orthodox Christian Cathedral, transformed into a 
mosque in Constantinople as the city was known for centuries before conquered 
by the Turks and became Istanbul.]

While plans forge ahead to build the mosque against the wishes of the majority 
of New Yorkers and Americans, St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, built in 
1922, has had nothing but bureaucratic obstacles and false promises by the Port 
Authority of New York/New Jersey hindering the rebuilding of that tiny church, 
the only church crushed under the falling World Trade Center tower on 9/11.


Zoe Wray's commentary:


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