Dear Friends 


Today's media report that Vladika Artemije has returned to Kosovo and Metohija 
and served Liturgy at the Duboki Potok Monastery.   As I indicated in my 
of November 12, Vladika had written to his brother Bishops on October 13 
the canonical basis for his authority over the Eparchy of Ras and Prizren and 
the uncanonical nature of the actions taken against him earlier this year.  
with his return to Kosovo, with the support of the Serbian National Council of 
Kosovo and Metohija led by Milan Ivanović and Dragan Velić, and he has resumed 
effective exercise of his episcopacy.
As will be noted further below, little has appeared in the English-language 
media that is not completely slanted by "yellow" anti-Artemije perspective.  
partial exception is today's article "Bishop's Followers In Two Kosovo 
Monasteries," fromB92.  While also including the slant found elsewhere, it also 
carries some of Vladika Artemije's own words about the current situation:
"We are gathered here to lay a new foundation, to bring back order, peace and 
unity into the Raška-Prizren Eparchy, which has been going through a Golgotha 
for the past nine months." 

"We have not separated from anyone, we are no schismatics, and we are not 
creating anything new. We are simply striving to maintain what our glorious 
forefathers and ancestors have left us," said Artemije. 

The bishop said that he expected new attacks against him and the monks loyal to 
him, but that he felt no fear. 

"Every new beginning is difficult, every awakening comes from the desert, and 
this is one of those deserts of ours, where we are gathered now. Instead of in 
the church, in the temple of God, we are here at this narrow table, because 
those who have the power have ordered that we cannot enter the church," said 
and compared today's service to those held by early Christians. 

"Temples are certainly consecrated places for religious service, but in a 
predicament even the Roman catacombs were holy places. Let us guard our faith 
and unity with the Holy and Apostolic Church, and then God will bless our 
our villages and towns, our Kosovo and Metohija, and our whole country," 
Artemije said. 

Vladika Artemije's simple and direct statements should be compared to the 
following "yellow" tirades (emphasis added initalics):
"AformerSerbian Orthodox Church bishop in Kosovo has broken into a monastery to 
hold a liturgy despite his retirement, openly clashing with the church 
leadership.  The dispute between ex-Bishop Artemije and the church leaders 
reflects thedivisions between the moderates and the hardliners.Artemije is 
staunchly anti-Western and conservative."  [Associated Press, "Ex-Kosovo bishop 
breaks into monastery [sic!] to hold liturgy disobeying Serbian Orthodox 
church," Nov 19]
"The divided Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) came under further pressure Friday 
from arenegade bishop, whooccupied a Kosovo monastery on Friday and performed a 
service indefiance of the church's orders, local media reported.  . . . In 
February, the SPC forced Bishop Artemije into retirement, stripping him of 
authority over the Kosovo eparchy because of his questionable business dealings 
and 'inability to govern.' Concerned that Artemije and his supporters from 
thechurch's radical wing could scupper a fragile unity in the church the SPC 
leadership also banned him from holding services. . . . Accompanied by a group 
ofradical monks who support him, Artemije on Friday entered the Zubin Potok 
monastery in northern Kosovo and performed liturgy, directly challenging the 
SPC. With its assembly still in session, the SPC had yet to respond to 
Artemije's move. The SPC is divided over several important issues,including 
relations with the Vatican, ties to renegade Orthodox churches in Macedonia and 
Montenegro and how services should be performed. [Deutsche Presse-Agentur, 
"Disgraced Kosovo bishop launches mutiny against Serbian church," Nov 19]
So there we have it:  Far from "simply striving to maintain what our glorious 
forefathers and ancestors have left us," in Vladika Artemije's words, his 
actions are those of a "disgraced" "renegade" "former" Bishop supported by evil 
Serb "hardliners" and "radicals," like Milan Ivanović and Dragan Velić, who, 
like him, are "staunchly anti-Western and conservative," and oppose "moderates" 
with respect to "relations with the Vatican, ties to renegade Orthodox churches 
in Macedonia and Montenegro and how services should be performed" -- also, it 
hardly needs to be added,opposing Western policy on Kosovo.
The above comparisons make crystal clear the truth of the conclusion to my last 

All we can say for sure at this juncture is the following: First, that the 
uncanonical and invalid attempt to discredit and remove Vladika Artemije –which 
any simpleton can see has, literally, nothing to do with allegations of 
misconduct and everything to do with trying to eliminate a pillar of the 
Orthodox Church and the Serbian nation –continues unabated and indeed is 
intensifying.  Second, that this attempt is politically motivated and includes 
collaborators both inside and outside the Church.  Third, that its aim is 
further to demoralize the Serbian Orthodox Church as the last bastion of the 
national spirit uncorrupted by the ill wind blowing from Washington and 
and to remove the most important impediment to the West’s contemplated “final 
solution” to Kosovo and Metohija.

Vladika Artemije has now "called out" those behind the efforts to remove him at 
the behest of anti-Church and anti-Serbia agendas.  The big "impediment" to 
Washington's "final solution" for Kosovo is back!  We all need to watch closely 
and with a critical eye their reactions.  Most of all, we call on the Christian 
Serbian people of Kosovo and Metohija to protect Bishop Artemije from the 
inevitable next stage of provocation: an effort by NATO, EULEX, or "KosovA" 
police to remove him forcibly.
James George Jatras 
Director, American Council for Kosovo 
November 19, 2010 

Bishop's followers in two Kosovo monasteries 
19 November 2010 | 11:24 ->12:59| Source: TanjugZUBIN POTOK -- Retired Bishop 
Artemije served liturgy at a SPC monastery in Kosovo today, despite the Holy 
Synod's decision to prohibit him from performing his priest duties.

About 50 monks and believers who support him arrived to the Duboki Potok 
monastery during the night and this morning.

During Friday, Artemije's followers also occupied the Devine Vode monastery in 
northern Kosovo. Artemije's replacement Teodosije, appointed yesterday in 
Belgrade, is said to have urgently returned to the province.

Priors from several other monasteries in Kosovo came to Duboki Potok this 
morning, and the ceremony went without incidents or problems, according to 

Bishop Artemije arrived to the monastery last night, accompanied by monks who 
support him, and was greeted by the faithful.

The decision to go to Duboki Potok followed after the Holy Assembly of Bishops 
of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) appointed Bishop Teodosije as new 
administrator of the Raška-Prizren Eparchy instead of Bishop Artemije.

Bishop Artemije refuses to accept the decision and claims that it is not 

Artemije was forced to retire because of allegations that one of his advisors 
defrauded the eparchy, and was first temporarily forbidden to perform his 
as a priest at the previous assembly of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC).

Today in Duboki Potok, the retired bishop addressed after the service those who 

"We are gathered here to lay a new foundation, to bring back order, peace and 
unity into the Raška-Prizren Eparchy, which has been going through a Golgotha 
for the past nine months."

"We have not separated from anyone, we are no schismatics, and we are not 
creating anything new. We are simply striving to maintain what our glorious 
forefathers and ancestors have left us," said Artemije.

The bishop said that he expected new attacks against him and the monks loyal to 
him, but that he felt no fear.

"Every new beginning is difficult, every awakening comes from the desert, and 
this is one of those deserts of ours, where we are gathered now. Instead of in 
the church, in the temple of God, we are here at this narrow table, because 
those who have the power have ordered that we cannot enter the church," said 
and compared today's service to those held by early Christians.

"Temples are certainly consecrated places for religious service, but in a 
predicament even the Roman catacombs were holy places. Let us guard our faith 
and unity with the Holy and Apostolic Church, and then God will bless our 
our villages and towns, our Kosovo and Metohija, and our whole country," 
Artemije said.

The abbot of the monastery, Romilo, first refused to hand Artemije over the 
keys, but his monk Kiprijan threatened the abbot, "and took two cell phones, 
keys to one cell and his car", said the eparchy in its statement, adding that 
Romilo was "to all intents and purposes a hostage, because Artemije's followers 
to all intents and purposes occupied the monastery".

Father Romilo was in his cell, did not attend the service, and did not wish to 
speak to reporters.

Meanwhile in Belgrade, SPC sources told B92 that the bishop will likely be 
defrocked today, "since he has followed in the footsteps of Miraš Dedeić, the 
so-called metropolitan of the canonically unrecognized Montenegrin Orthodox 

Church: Attempt at usurpation

In the meantime, administrations of the Raška-Prizren Eparchy and 
Kosovo-Metohija Eparchy has issued an announcement, stating that retired Bishop 
Artemije’s intent to serve today at the Duboki potok monastery represents 

The eparchy says that Artemije came to the monastery last night unannounced 
"together with a group of runaway monks and a group of activists of so-called 
Serbian National Council of Kosovo and Metohija led by Milan Ivanović and 
Velić, without knowledge and blessing of the SPC Holy Assembly of Bishops".

The announcement adds that Bishop Artemije "is retired and that every 
unauthorized serving of liturgy and abuse of SPC premises represents the 
violation of the church canon and rules".

The Raška-Prizren Eparchy has announced that the clergy of the eparchy and 
living in the eparchy monasteries are completely loyal to their newly appointed 
administrator Bishop Teodosije who is supported by the Holy Assembly of Bishops 
and Patriarch Irinej. 


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