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The latest edition of “Lawfully Wedded” is posted on today’s News & Views EXTRA page.  
It includes two primary subjects: (1) The battle for a federal marriage amendment is 
lost (including some tough love wisdom by conservative columnist Cal Thomas), and (2) 
alternative legislative options short of a constitutional amendment which would 
address judicial activism itself and not just gay marriage.  A lot to chew on. Check 
it out by surfing over to:  http://www.chuckmuth.com/newsandviews/nv.cfm


Conservative columnist Michelle Malkin, daughter of LEGAL immigrants, has penned an 
excellent piece on the hornet’s nest former Maryland Democrat Gov. Donald Schaefer and 
current Republican Gov. Bob Ehrlich have stirred up over the failure of today’s 
immigrants to “adjust” to our culture and language.  Catch it at: 


Washington insiders say that while the issue of illegal immigration stirs up a lot of 
fuss, it’s NOT an issue which swings votes one way or the other in an election 
campaign.  Are they correct?  Is a candidate’s position on illegal immigration an 
issue which, in and of itself, could swing your vote one way or the other in a given 

*  Yes
*  No
*  Maybe

Cast your vote by clicking the “Survey Says!” tab at www.citizenoutreach.com


Michael Moore’s Bush-whacking new film, “Fahrenheit 9/11,” won the Cannes Film 
Festival.  Who didn’t see that coming a mile away?  “The jury that awards the Cannes 
prize is trying to tell the world that their decision was not politically motivated,” 
writes talk show host Neal Boortz.  “We're dealing with an event in France that is 
judged by our leftist Hollywood elite, and they're telling us that politics has 
nothing to do with the award?”  These people are nothing if not predictable.


“In San Diego, a couple of teachers have been suspended for showing the  pictures of 
American Nick Berg being killed by his Muslim captors in Iraq.  Oh, the outrage that 
our delicate high schoolers would be subjected to reality.  Far from suspending these 
teachers, we should give them medals (maybe the ones John Kerry threw away).  They 
have done their students a big favor.  They have introduced these soon-to-be-adults to 
the notion that it is a dangerous world out there.

“...It is a mean, nasty, dreadful world out there, but one which we have managed to 
keep at bay, not by the UN, but by our own Constitutional government.  Those teachers 
who dared acquaint their sheltered and misled underlings about a little part of the 
real world deserve a promotion and thanks from all of us.  If they lose their jobs 
over this it will demonstrate just how far cultural Marxism (i.e. political 
correctness) has infiltrated this once great country.”

- Paul M. Weyrich, chairman of the Free Congress Foundation


“You would have thought the discovery of an actual weapon of mass destruction (WMD) in 
Iraq would be big news, especially since it was aimed at American soldiers.  But 
apparently not in the eyes of most U.S. newspaper editors and network television 
producers, who largely ignored one of the major stories from Iraq this week.  

“On Monday, the Iraqi Survey Group, tasked with searching for Saddam Hussein's WMD, 
confirmed an artillery round containing weaponized sarin nerve gas was detonated in an 
improvised explosive device (IED) aimed at U.S. troops in Baghdad on Saturday. . . . 
So how did the major dailies treat this story? They buried it.”

- Columnist Linda Chavez


“The Associated Press continues to run the story that the Coalition bombed an innocent 
wedding party in the middle of the desert at 3:00 in the morning last week.  To hear 
them tell it, the United States military came upon a wedding, and decided that for 
whatever reason, we should kill everyone in attendance. Sure. That's exactly what 
happened.  Idiots. . . . The Bush Administration isn't going to win on this one.  The 
‘America bombed a wedding’ story hurts Bush, while an ‘American destroys a terrorist 
and insurgent safe house’ story would help him.  Guess which one gets the ink?”

- Talk show host Neal Boortz, 5/24/04


“John Kerry owns a shotgun and a rifle, has taken time from the campaign trail to go 
hunting and relied on firearms during the Vietnam War. But the Democratic presidential 
candidate's fondness for his guns will not save him from a political assault by the 
National Rifle Association. . . . The NRA says it doesn't matter how many guns the 
Massachusetts senator owns or how often he hunts because he nearly always votes 
against gun rights in the Senate. . . . ‘His antifirearms record is among the very 
worst in American politics,’ said NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre. ‘It's 
not a stretch to say that the worst thing that could happen to the Second Amendment is 
for John Kerry to be elected president.’ " 

- Washington Times, 5/22/04


“OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration), in fact, is pretty much a 
fraud.  As Cato Institute analysts point out, there is no evidence the agency in its 
34 years has had any significant effect on workplace safety.”

- Columnist Jay Ambrose


“About 50% of the adults in this country are simply too damned ignorant and stupid to 
be living in a free society.  These are people who cannot survive without someone else 
stepping forward to take care of them. . . . One thing that occurs to me is that I am 
unwilling to surrender my freedoms and economic liberty simply because these idiots 
can't cope.  That means that they are a danger to me.”

- Talk show host Neal Boortz, 5/24/04

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

Chuck Muth’s News & Views is published by Citizen Outreach, a non-partisan, 501(c)3 
non-profit corporation. The opinions and views expressed in Chuck Muth's News & Views 
reflect those of the writers, editors and columnists therein and do not necessarily 
reflect the opinions of Citizen Outreach, its officers, directors or employees.

Published by: Citizen Outreach
Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
Washington, DC 20003-4303

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