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Winners & Losers

First, Happy Birthday J.T.!  Now...

In Little League, they would have invoked the "slaughter rule."  That's how
completely and totally the Democrats were devastated on Tuesday.  It was
unpredicted.  It was unheard of.  Heck, it was impossible.  But we pulled it
off anyway.

There were a LOT of winners and losers this election day, with the most
obvious losers being - in no particular order - Tom Daschle, Dick Gephardt
and DNC Chairman Terry McAuliffe.  All three should be shown the door by the
Democrat base, but considering the results on Tuesday, I kinda hope they
stick around.

The current President, Mr. Bush, was an obvious BIG winner; the former
president, Mr. Clinton, - who made no difference anywhere he appeared for
candidates in the country - was a BIG loser.  As was his vice-president, Al.

But there are some not-so-immediately obvious winners and losers to take
note of.  For instance, not only were Clinton and Gore losers this election,
so were the majority of their administration minions who were trying to
stake out political careers of their own.  I believe two former Clinton/Gore
cronies were successfully elected, while seven of them were tossed away like
a cheap White House intern by voters.  Pretty pathetic record.

Ditto the Kennedy clan.  They went 0-for-3 this cycle, with the most
stunning defeat coming in Maryland, where Bobby Kennedy's kid, Kathleen
Kennedy Townsend, had her hat handed to her in the gubernatorial race
despite the state's overwhelmingly Democratic electorate.

Florida was a big winner for a few reasons.  One, they actually pulled off
an election without major ballot snafus.  And in the process, Florida
dispatched the Wicked Witch of Waco, Janet Reno, as well as re-elect the
President's kid brother.  And just to put some icing on the cake, they sent
Katherine Harris (yes, THAT Katherine Harris) to Congress.

Among Republicans, there were some pretty big losers as well, starting with
Sen. Bob Smith.

This was very unfortunate.  Smith was a committed conservative.  But two
years ago his head got a little too big and he decided to run for president.
Republicans didn't want him for president, and said so in the primaries.  So
he famously quit the Republican Party, trashing his colleagues in the Senate
in the process, and ran a losing presidential campaign as an independent.
He then groveled his way back into the GOP tent.

But elephants don't forget.  And New Hampshire voters nominated Rep. John
Sununu over Smith in the senatorial primary there.  Smith pouted and refused
to support his fellow conservative Republican, hoping to cost him the
general election - which would have resulted in a Democrat pick-up.

It's rumored that the White House offered Smith everything under the sun,
including an ambassadorial position, if he would just stand next to Sununu
and say a kind word.  Smith refused.  Sununu won anyway.  And Smith is now a
political non-person.  Talk about dumb.

But perhaps the biggest Republican losers of all were the
Republicans-In-Name-Only . . . better known as the RINOs.

In Maryland, Rep. Connie Morella - who many Republicans genuinely adore as a
person but loathe as a Republican because of her horrible voting record -
lost.  The Democrats came home and voted for one of their own, and
Republicans sure weren't enthusiastic about keeping her in office.

And up in New Jersey, another nice RINO, Rep. Marge Roukema, retired.  She
also refused to support the conservative candidate who was nominated to take
her place, Scott Garrett.  Garrett won in a landslide anyway, and in doing
so, laid to rest the argument that one had to be a liberal Republican to get
elected in that district.

But perhaps the biggest RINO loser on Tuesday wasn't even on the ballot:
Sen. Lincoln Chaffee.  Chaffee has been threatening for over a year to bolt
the GOP if the Senate ended up in a tie again - thus doing a Jim Jeffords to
Republicans a second time.  Alas, the victory on Tuesday was so complete,
poor Lincoln is relegated to complete irrelevance.  Good.  Maybe he'll leave

Gotta catch the train.  More later...

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