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Trust me, I was rarin' to go after those politically correct yahoos at my
nephew's school who yanked the boy's chain over that harmless school-yard
jest about SARS to a coughing/hacking Asian-American 7th-grade classmate.
Alas, Zachary has one more year at Belair Middle School (Maryland) and my
sister, Donna, is worried about rocking the boat.

My dad, founder of the non-existent Cynics for a Better America, suggested
that what Donna should have done after the principal demanded to see one of
Zach's parents was respond, "Certainly, what time do you want me and the
reporter to come on down?"

Anyway, it appears the incident has blown over (for now) and at least Zach
didn't have to "apologize" or go to some stupid "sensitivity training."
Still, the school pooh-bahs got away with it, which means they have no
reason not to pick on some other politically incorrect kid in the future.

If anyone would like to send some words of support and encouragement to
young Zach, please feel free to send 'em to his mom at:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Keep the Fires Burning

"It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless
minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds."

- Founding Father Samuel Adams

Syria's "Baghdad Bob"

"Syrian President Bashar Assad said in an interview that he doubts the
existence of al Qaeda, the terror group blamed for the September 11 attacks
and the recent strikes in Saudi Arabia and Morocco. . . . Such speculation
is popular among some in the Arab world who say Washington has manufactured
or exaggerated the threat posed by al Qaeda to paint Muslims as dangerous."

- "World Scene," Washington Times, 5/27/03

Actions Have Consequences

Greg Pierce reports in his "Inside Politics" column that the White House
sent a not-too-subtle message to Sen. Olympia Snowe, Maine Republican, who
voted against President Bush's tax cut proposal.  At a recent state dinner,
Snowe's fellow Maine colleague, Sen. Susan Collins - who, after expressing
initial hesitancy over the tax cut, ended up on board - was seated right
next to the president at dinner.  Snowe, on the other hand, didn't even get
an invitation.

The Man from West Byrd-ginia

"Citizens Against Government Waste has chronicled the cost of pork-barrel
projects brought home by (West Virginia Democrat Sen. Robert) Byrd in the
2003 budget at $298 million. Mr. Byrd may have diverted more federal money
to West Virginia than Saddam Hussein skimmed from the United Nations'
oil-for-food program. In fact, about the only thing not named for Mr. Byrd
in West Virginia is the state itself. He also managed to pick taxpayer
pockets for $150,000 just so he could build another office closer to the
Senate floor as a personal convenience."

- Columnist Cal Thomas

Break Out the Violins

"An irate Rev. Jesse Jackson says he is being attacked today much the same
way Martin Luther King was attacked in his day.  Playing the race card in
defending his large - but questionable - business empire, Mr. Jackson says
there's nothing illegal with him receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars
each year from major organizations."

- John McCaslin's "Inside the Beltway," 5/27/03

Affordable Campaign Websites!

Now you can get professional-looking campaign web sites for as little as $10
a month.  That's right...just ten smackeroos a month.  Here's what's
included in this fantastic new program from Campaign Secrets, Inc.
(available ONLY to Republican candidates):

* Free Hosting
* Unique Domain Name
* Personal Email Accounts
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* Built-in Bulk Emailer

Campaign Site Builder can be used for political organizations and
non-profits, as well.  For more information, just go to:

New Proposal to Tax the 'Net

"Senator Mark Dayton, a Minnesota Democrat, recommended to the Senate
Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee that lawmakers approve a
small charge per piece of e-mail sent. 'I think it's worth looking at some
very, very small charge for every e-mail sent, so small that it would not be
onerous for an individual or business that has regular (e-mail) use, but it
would be a deterrent for those who are sending millions and even billions of
these e-mails,' Dayton said."

-, 5/21/03

Dumbing Down Down in Florida

"In case you haven't heard, some Florida public school students are mighty
angry. . . . This year, Florida students are required to pass the Florida
Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) in order to receive their diploma.  The
problem, however, is that some 13,000 high school seniors failed to pass the
FCAT this year and are now in jeopardy of not being allowed to graduate this

"...(S)tudents only need the relative equivalent of a 40 percent to pass the
FACT, and they are allowed to take it up to six times. . . . An exit exam
that requires students to demonstrate knowledge of only 40 percent of
material is bunk to begin with.  This so-called standard is consistent with
the continual dumbing down of curriculum that our nation's schools have been
subject to for the past three decades; if students refuse to rise to the
level required to achieve, we'll lower the bar to make it look as if they

- Columnist Trevor Bothwell,

Expensive Mediocrity

"Head Start is one of the most revered programs in government - but not
altogether deservedly so.  At a cost of more than $5,000 per child, Head
Start delivers scant measurable, lasting improvement in the academic perform
ance of its beneficiaries."

- David Frum, National Review Online

The Home School Advantage

"Most non-American observers worry that (home schooled) children will be too
sheltered or isolated.  In fact, survey after survey shows home schooled
students to be - on average - more involved in group activities than their
counterparts in state schools.  And the educational results are impressive.
In grades one through four, according to a University of Maryland study,
median test scores for homeschooled children are a full grade above those of
public and private school students."

- Allan Carlson in a February presentation to the Swedish Parliament,
"Culture, et cetera," Washington Times, 5/27/03

Burning Whitey

"Baltimore's WBAL-TV reports 25-year-old Mark Fox is in jail for allegedly
setting a fire at a Frederick County, Md., church. Fox 'told investigators
he targeted the Victory Christian Center Assembly of God because it had a
predominantly white congregation,' WBAL reports. But don't worry, this isn't
a hate crime. Fox said he picked a white church because 'he didn't want
people to think he was mad at black people.'"

- James Taranto, Best of the Web, 5/21/03

Reefer Madness

"Voters in seven states - Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California, Colorado,
Nevada and Maine - have passed referendums allowing the use of marijuana to
help ill patients cope with the debilitating effects of cancer treatment, as
well as to ease the pain of several other maladies, including multiple
sclerosis and AIDS. . . . Marijuana, according to federal law, is as
dangerous and destructive as heroin."

- Washington Times, 5/27/03

New Sheriff in Hard-Left Town

In his first year as Maryland's top banana, Gov. Bob Ehrlich (R) has vetoed
a bill that would have allowed in-state tuition preferences for illegal
aliens.  He also 86-ed a bill allowing Big Brotherish cameras to catch
speeders, a decision the Washington Times described as going "against the
grain of his libertarian views on government intrusion into the lives of
citizens."  Ehrlich also stood up to the White House and became "the first
Republican governor to sign a medical marijuana bill."  Not a bad start for
the first GOP big cheese in this state since Spiro Agnew.

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Published by Citizen Outreach
Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
Washington, DC  20003-4303

Citizen Outreach is a 501(c)(3) non-profit public policy organization and
does not endorse candidates or lobby for specific legislation.  The opinions
and views expressed in Chuck Muth's News & Views reflect those of the
writers, editors and columnists therein and do not necessarily reflect the
opinions of Citizen Outreach, its officers, directors or employees.

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