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Cave In

"California Republicans may be holding the line (against tax hikes), but
Nevada's contingent this week beat a hasty retreat, coming up with a
two-thirds vote approving their...Gov. Kenny Guinn's tax hefting demands, to
the tune of an $836-million tax increase. As we reported last week, Guinn
went so far as to sue the state legislature when Republicans refused to go
along, and the Nevada Supreme Court struck down the state constitution's
supermajority provision for tax increases.

"Instead of embracing the 'constitutional crisis' this judicial usurpation
has created, and fighting back, the Nevada Republicans folded. As friend of
The Federalist Lyn Nofziger concluded, 'Nevada's Republican legislators had
a real chance to be heroes. Instead, either bought off or scared off, they
have betrayed not only their principles [but also] the voters who elected
them and every American who believes in a republican form of government.'"

- The Federalist, 7/25/03

BRUSHFIRE ALERT: 14 of the 15 Republicans who originally were blocking the
tax hike in the state Assembly held firm even after the lawsuit.  One
turncoat Republican, Assemblyman John Marvel, flip-flopped after the court
ruling, thus giving the tax-hikers their two-thirds majority and imperiling
2/3-vote requirements all across the country.  If you'd like to thank
Assemblyman Marvel, you can dial him up at (775) 635-2538 or email him at
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Wonder If She Was a Blonde

"The Newark Star-Ledger reports that on a New York Mets charter flight from
Philadelphia to Montreal Tuesday night, an 'excited ruckus' broke out in the
back of the plane:

*** QUOTE ***

One of the flight attendants came down and asked why they were so happy.

"We got Qusay and Uday," Al Leiter exclaimed.

"I'm sorry," the flight attendant responded, "I don't know baseball. Are
they any good?"

Cheney Reminds of the Case for War

"(Saddam Hussein) bore a deep and bitter hatred to the United States. He
cultivated ties to terrorist groups. He built, possessed and used weapons of
mass destruction. He refused all international demands to account for those
weapons.  Twelve years of diplomacy, more than a dozen Security Council
resolutions, hundreds of U.N. weapons inspectors and even strikes against
military targets in Iraq - all of these measures were tried to compel Saddam
Hussein's compliance with the terms of the 1991 Gulf War cease-fire.  All of
these measures failed."

- Vice President Dick Cheney in a speech on Thursday at the American
Enterprise Institute
Security Through Freedom

"A free Iraq will not be a training ground for terrorists, or a funnel of
money to terrorists, or provide weapons to terrorists who would willing use
them to strike our country or our allies. A free Iraq will not destabilize
the Middle East. A free Iraq can set a hopeful example to the entire region
and lead other nations to choose freedom. And as the pursuits of freedom
replace hatred and resentment and terror in the Middle East, the American
people will be more secure."

- President George W. Bush
She-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named Leads Field

The latest Quinnipiac Poll: "Suppose New York Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton
decides to run for president in 2004.  Who would you most like to see the
Democrats nominate for president in 2004?"

Clinton                          48
Lieberman                     11
Kerry                            7
Gephardt                      7
Dean                            4
Edwards                       3
Graham                        3
Moseley-Braun               2
Kucinich                        2
Sharpton                       1
DK/NA                       12
Targeting Whitey

According to testimony at his pre-trial hearing on Thursday, D.C. sniper
suspect Lee Boyd Malvo told prison guards he was motivated by a desire for
money and a hatred of white people.  So why wasn't he charged with a "hate"
crime?  Maybe he was and I missed it.  If so, I'll stand corrected.  If
not...again, why not?
Legalized Freedom

"I believe in the federalist system, which means when you have difficult
problems to sort out, they should do that at the local level. The one thing
that is hard for a lot of conservatives to accept is that if you legalize
freedom . you also legalize the right of people to do dumb things and to
offend people. And as long as those dumb things only hurt oneself, the
constitutionalist doesn't object."

- Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas), The Hill, 7/23/03
2A Rises in DC

"Democrats are hoping that gun control won't be an issue in next year's
presidential election, because they know that gun control is a loser at the
polls. Along comes Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) to put a fly in the ointment
by introducing a bill that puts gun control back in the spotlight and
Democrats on the spot. Hatch's bill would repeal the District of Columbia's
gun control law, which - as it turns out - had no effect in reducing
Washington's appalling violent crime rate. Why should law-abiding residents
of the District of Columbia be left defenseless in a city teeming with
illegal guns and criminals willing to use them?"

- Columnist Linda Chavez
The Kennedy Canary

"In the old days, miners brought canaries down into the tunnels to detect
methane. The birds were more sensitive to the deadly gas and worked as an
early warning system. When they died, it was time to get out. For
conservatives, Sen. Edward Kennedy, Massachusetts Democrat, is like a
canary. When he starts supporting their initiatives, they should get out. .
. . Therefore, it is significant when Mr. Kennedy supports a Republican
initiative, as he has done in the case of the prescription drug bill working
its way through Congress."

- Columnist Bruce Bartlett
No Constitutional Authority

"An obstetrician/gynecologist by trade, (Texas Rep. Ron Paul) opposed the
Medicare reform package that passed the House. 'We're depending on the
government to deliver a service,' he said. 'There's no authority to do that
and there's no evidence to show that government has ever been efficient to
deliver any service.'"

- The Hill, 7/23/03
Hardly Free Trade

"Many conservatives have argued that allowing Americans to buy drugs more
cheaply abroad is free trade. But it's hardly free trade when you are
importing price controls from countries with socialized health care systems
that impose global budgets and ration medical care -- including prescription

- Grace-Marie Turner, Galen Institute
Democracy's Collapse

"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only
exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from
the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the
candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury, with the
result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always
followed by a dictatorship."

- Alexander Tytler
Rumblings on the Right

"It is not yet thunder on the right, but President Bush should begin to keep
a weather watch for a potentially unstable storm front forming on his right
flank. . . . Currently, conservatives of various stripes are beginning to
complain about large deficits, prescription-drug entitlement legislation,
excessive regulations (including education regulations driven by Mr. Bush's
No Child Left Behind legislation), weak opposition to quotas, acceptance of
the Supreme Court's anti-state's right overthrowing of anti-sodomy laws and,
for the substantial Pat Buchanan wing of the conservative house, what they
would call military adventurism and imperialism."

- Columnist Tony Blankley
Guns and Butter

"I don't think [the administration is] conservative at all. I think they
talk conservative, but the government spending continues to go up. It seems
like there's no hesitancy to spend anything that anybody asks for, whether
it's guns or butter."

- Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas), The Hill, 7/23/03
Pssst...Wanna Buy Some Shoes?

"The Bush administration is facing $450 billion of red ink because it spends
money the old-fashioned way: like Imelda Marcos."

- Columnist Bill O'Reilly
Supreme Blow

"What blow will befall conservatives next? Watch the Supreme Court, the
composition of which matters more than does the composition of Congress.
Justice David Souter, nominated by the first President Bush, quickly became
a reliable member of the Supreme Court's liberal bloc. Alberto Gonzales, the
White House counsel who came with this President Bush from Texas, may be
chosen to fill the next court vacancy. The likelihood of a vacancy during
this presidency has given rise to a grim joke among conservatives:  How do
you say 'Souter' in Spanish? 'Gonzales.'"

- Columnist George Will
Campaign Hot Tips

New to campaigns and grassroots activism?  Seasoned veteran who recognizes
there's always something new to learn?  Then sign up for Mark Montini's FREE
"Campaign Hot Tips" e-newsletter at:
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Published by Citizen Outreach
Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
Washington, DC  20003-4303

Citizen Outreach is a 501(c)(3) non-profit public policy organization and
does not endorse candidates or lobby for specific legislation.  The opinions
and views expressed in Chuck Muth's News & Views reflect those of the
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