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Gentlemen (and Ladies)...Start Your Engines!

The 2004 campaign season is ON.  And if you're seriously considering a run
for office next year...time's already a-wastin'.  So, as promised, here's
the big announcement of what I think is the most exciting campaign training
program you'll find anywhere in the country this year:  The Campaign War

This program is only for SERIOUS candidates.  Schmucks and wannabes need not
apply.  But if you are a serious candidate and want to learn the inside
secrets to putting together a winning campaign . . . then go right NOW and read the letter on the Home page.

As you'll see in the letter, this special super-workshop has only a VERY
limited number of seats...and to save a bucket of money on the registration need to act fast.  First come, first serve.

And since I spent the entire day finalizing the preparations for the
Campaign War College, I don't have a very long News & Views today.  But if
you're a serious candidate...this will likely be the most valuable issue you
will EVER read.

Again...go to and read all the

P.S.  If you are not running for office...but know good, quality folks who
are...or are at least thinking about 'em a favor and shoot them this
email message and point them to the Campaign War College page on our
website.  They'll owe you for life!

Conan vs. the Conservative

In the California gubernatorial race, I am decidedly undecided.  Both sides
and their supporters make compelling, rational arguments and I find myself
leaning back and forth on a pretty much daily basis.  But here are three
pieces of advice I'd like to offer up to our friends and subscribers on the
Left Coast as the California GOP convention gets underway this weekend:

1.)  NEVER take anything for granted.  If I learned anything in Las Vegas
(and the 1992 presidential campaign), it's that there is NO such thing as a
"sure bet."  I've seen and heard pollsters and political experts who say
Gray Davis is "toast."  That he has no chance of surviving the recall.  I
hope they are correct.  But I wouldn't bet my life (or California's future)
on it.  This is NOT an election you can "stay home" for if your chosen
candidate doesn't make it to the top.  You still have to vote FOR the

2.)  It's too early for McClintock to drop out.  Arnold is too untested as a
political figure.  If for no other reason, Tom should stay in at least until
near the end for "insurance."  I also think Arnold owes it to the
conservatives he wants to woo to his camp to debate McClintock, one-on-one,
at the earliest possible opportunity.  To borrow an old sports saying, if
you want to BE the best, you have to BEAT the best.  Conservatives should
not be expected to automatically line up behind Arnold simply because he is
perceived as having the best chance to win.  Winning is important, don't get
me wrong, but Arnold has to EARN conservative votes.  They aren't an

3.)  This campaign is FAR from over.  I HATE early voting.  Anything can
happen between now and the first week in October.  DON'T rush out to vote
with your absentee ballots.  You may end up voting for a candidate who
either drops out or self-destructs at the last minute.  Keep your powder dry
and vote on election day...unless you absolutely, positively HAVE to vote
via absentee ballot.

BONUS ADVICE:  When in for Gary Coleman.

Will Clinton Show Davis the Door?

"Bill Clinton is heading to California this weekend, but so far he has
scheduled only one public meeting with Gray Davis, an appearance at a black
church Sunday. The beleaguered governor is playing up the former president's
visit anyway. But it will likely end up being much less than the originally
promised antirecall barnburner. Mr. Clinton has become the Democratic
Party's political undertaker, and his visit may foretell the end of Mr.
Davis's political life."

- John Fund's Political Diary, 9/11/03

Paging Dr. Demento

"Vermont Gov. Howard Dean has been issuing diatribes against the Bush
administration that would surpass even Tariq Aziz with severe menstrual
cramps. This strategy has made him the runaway favorite of the Democratic
Party. . . . In the wake of Dean's success, the entire Democratic Dream Team
is beginning to sound like Dr. Demento. On the basis of their recent
pronouncements, the position of the Democratic Party seems to be that Saddam
Hussein did not hit us on 9-11, but Halliburton did."

- Columnist Ann Coulter

Citizen Outreach Fall Fundraising Drive

If you haven't done so already, I hope you'll consider kicking in a few
bucks to help us continue bringing you News & Views every day...your #1
source for information not generally found in your hometown newspaper.

Unlike the labor unions, we don't automatically take money out of your
paycheck to fund our activities.  And unlike some at the United Way, we don'
t twist your arm and threaten your job or promotion if you don't give.  And
unlike Congress, we don't tax you to death (and beyond) to fund our efforts.
We just occasionally ask for a little VOLUNTARY financial help to keep us

$5, $10, $20...whatever you can afford...will go a long way to helping us
continue to bring you our first-class e-newsletter, our weekly webcast
interviews with top policy experts on important current issues, our
Brushfire Alerts political action projects, our in-depth research on public
policy matters, our weekly online opinion polls...and much, much more.

And if you contribute $50 or more, we have a very special 9-11 commemorative
gift for you.  Just go to to make a secure online
contribution or mail your check to the address at the end of this
newsletter.  Thanks for your continued support.

Chuck Muth

The Goldwater Doctrine

"I have little interest in streamlining government or in making it more
efficient, for I mean to reduce its size. I do not undertake to promote
welfare, for I propose to extend freedom. My aim is not to pass laws, but to
repeal them. It is not to inaugurate new programs, but to cancel old ones
that do violence to the Constitution, or that have failed in their purpose,
or that impose on the people an unwarranted financial burden. I will not
attempt to discover whether legislation is 'needed' before I have first
determined whether it is constitutionally permissible. And if I should later
be attacked for neglecting my constituents' interests, I shall reply that I
was informed their main interest is liberty and that in that cause I am
doing the very best I can."

- Barry Goldwater, "The Conscience of a Conservative"

How to Subscribe

If you know someone who might like to receive News & Views, you can sign 'em
up at:

Published by Citizen Outreach
Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
Washington, DC  20003-4303

Citizen Outreach is a 501(c)(3) non-profit public policy organization and
does not endorse candidates or lobby for specific legislation.  The opinions
and views expressed in Chuck Muth's News & Views reflect those of the
writers, editors and columnists therein and do not necessarily reflect the
opinions of Citizen Outreach, its officers, directors or employees.

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