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"Mr. Muth, thanks for providing the information that I cannot find anywhere
in the four newspapers that are delivered to my home.  Neither can I find
that info anywhere on the TV network programs.  Keep it coming!"

- Jack Sherratt of Burlingame, CA

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Not All Actors Are Jackasses

"Bruce Willis recently staged a rock concert at a desert airfield to
entertain the soldiers who were stationed near the Syrian border.  Wearing a
military hat and jacket, he belted out some rock 'n' roll and blues with his
band, the Accelerator.  'We're here to support you,' he told America's
finest.  'If you catch him, just give me four seconds with Saddam Hussein.'
The star then offered $1 million to the soldier who captures the overthrown
Iraqi dictator."

- Left Coast Report,, 9/30/03

The Liberal Mouth That Roared

"For the past two weeks, Mr. Kennedy, Massachusetts Democrat, has been
leading his party's opposition to the war, calling it a 'fraud' cooked up
for political reasons. On Friday, Mr. Kennedy went further, accusing the
president, in effect, of killing American troops through poor planning.

"...Some Democratic leaders have since embraced Mr. Kennedy, with
presidential candidate the Rev. Al Sharpton doing so at a Congressional
Black Caucus event Friday.  'This is the Kennedy tradition. We stand with
you,' Mr. Sharpton said. 'You have nothing to apologize for.'"

- Washington Times, 9/30/03

The Ambassador's Spooky Wife

"This is a set-up and the New York Times and Washington Post are only too
glad to play.  Ambassador Wilson's wife was not a CIA 'operative.'  She is
an ANALYST.  They are a dime for two dozen out there in Langley.  Thus,
there was nothing to leak about her highly sensitive job.  Analysts are
perfectly free to tell the world what they do.  Does anyone really think our
foreign policy/national security apparatus would allow an Ambassador's wife
to be a spy?

"There is no evidence that anyone at the White House leaked this
information; it wasn't even classified.  I'm told that Ambassador Wilson (a
Clinton appointee who has given money to Kerry and other Democrat
candidates) is already backpedaling from his accusation that Karl Rove
leaked classified information about his wife.  Rove wouldn't even have known
if she was an undercover operative and, anyhow, she wasn't."

- David Luken

Um, Now About That DOMESTIC Spending...

"We're all for Congress paying close attention to what it spends. But would
that our honorable representatives were applying as much skepticism to the
fine print of, say, the energy bill as they are to President Bush's $87
billion request for operations in Iraq and Afghanistan."

- Wall Street Journal editorial, 9/30/03

Democrats Belly Up to the Trough

"Today, Reps. Peter A. DeFazio (D-Ore.) and Rahm Emanuel (D-Ill.) will
unveil their 'American Parity Amendment' -- backed by organized labor -- 
that would add $20 billion in domestic spending to mirror the
infrastructure, health care and education spending Bush wants for Iraq."

- Washington Post, 9/30/03

Howard's End

"Vermont's former Gov. Howard Dean is a charismatic campaigner who knows how
to rock the world of anti-Bush people.  That's pretty much his only strong
suit, as Gary Coleman could probably govern Vermont if he knew where it was.
. . . Osama loves this guy as much as Tim Robbins does."

- Columnist and Fox News host Bill O'Reilly

Wes Must Have Missed a Memo Somewhere

"The only voters who will have something to say about who the (presidential
primary) front-runner is will be the Democrats of New Hampshire, Iowa, South
Carolina and after that, maybe, primary voters in other states. These are
the voters unforgiving to anyone who says nice things about Republicans. The
correct way to respond to Republicans, as we know, is to hate them. Activist
Democrats never think happy thoughts about someone who, as Mr. (Wesley)
Clark did in Little Rock only two years ago, endorses George W. Bush, Colin
Powell, Condoleezza Rice and Don Rumsfeld, all in a single mouthful."

- Wesley Pruden, "Pruden on Politics," 9/30/03

Doo-Doo Economics

"General Clark takes dead aim at small-business owners with his economic
plan.  Twenty-three million small-business owners directly benefit from the
tax cuts signed into law by the president. Those are the same tax cuts that
Wes Clark wants to repeal. . . . It is an open question whether General
Clark was a brilliant military strategist. But there is no question he has
flunked basic economics with his job-killing, tax-raising scheme."

- House Speaker Denny Hastert (R-Illinois)

Putting a Bullet Between His Eyes

"(Al Franken) is being run by some very powerful forces in this country.  I
was ambushed at a book convention. He got up in front of a national audience
and called me a liar for 20 minutes. President Andrew Jackson would have put
a bullet between his eyes.  Franken's job is to do exactly what Donald
Segretti did for Nixon - dig up dirt on people. He is not a satirist; he is
not a comedian. He's someone who wants to injure people's reputations, and I
think people have got to know that."

- Fox News' Bill O'Reilly in this week's Time magazine

Another Conservative Swings Behind Arnold

"State Sen. Ray Haynes, who has been described by the California media as
'one of the most outspoken conservatives in the Legislature,' announced his
support on Monday for the candidacy of Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger over
his political ally and friend, State Sen. Tom McClintock, in the California
recall election taking place next Tuesday."

- Talon News, 9/30/03

Unprecedented Endorsement

"Arnold Schwarzenegger picked up an unprecedented endorsement in
California's recall election from leaders of the state Republican Party on
Monday as Gov. Gray Davis tried to regain momentum eight days before the
Oct. 7 vote.  Schwarzenegger was unanimously backed by the California
Republican Party's Board of Directors despite the presence of a second GOP
candidate, state Sen. Tom McClintock, on the ticket as a new poll showed the
film star surging and Davis fading."

-, 9/30/03

Just Don't Call It Marriage

"Conservatives need to come to their senses regarding the issue of
homosexuality. It is not wrong for these people to want the protection of a
legal contract. They should have it by all means and right away. Just don't
call it marriage.  That is something reserved exclusively for a man and
woman. Marriage is sacred and comes under the heading of religion; it should
not be trifled with or altered."

- Thor A. of Cardiff, CA,, 9/29/03

Stupidity  Virus Hits Dallas High School

"(Straight-A student) Raylee Montgomery, a ninth-grader at Duncanville High
School, near Dallas, was hit with a suspension 'after an administrator
noticed the 13-year-old girl's shirt had become untucked,' the Associated
Press reports. 'The girl said she apologized, tucked in her shirt and asked
if she could continue to class but was not allowed.' Duncanville's
'zero-tolerance dress code' has 'led to 700 student suspensions since
August,' the AP notes."

- James Taranto, Best of the Web, 9/30/03  ( Editor's Note:  Duncanville's
principal is Mike Chritzberg and his email address is:

Club for Whiteys Still Stirring Melting Pot

A California high school student's effort to establish a Caucasian Club on
campus, where there are already black, Hispanic and Asian clubs, has got the
NAACP's panty hose all up in a twist.  Read about all the latest in this
racial brouhaha at:

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Published by Citizen Outreach
Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
Washington, DC  20003-4303

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does not endorse candidates or lobby for specific legislation.  The opinions
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