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The Rush to Sack Rush

"One has to wonder, what precisely did Mr. Limbaugh insinuate (about Eagles
quarterback Donovan McNabb) that was so wrong?  That the NFL has ethnic
double standards?  Of COURSE it does.  This past year, the NFL instituted a
new policy that will enact sanctions against teams that fail to interview
minorities for vacant coaching positions. . . . (I)s mandating that black
coaches at least get interviewed racist?  Of course."

- Columnist Armstrong Williams

About That Hyped Spy "Scandal"

"The only matter that troubles me about the episode is that the CIA would
employ a man as left-wing as Mr. Wilson to go to Niger unless they planned
to leave him there. Unfortunately he has returned."

- Columnist R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr.

Clowns to the Left of Me

"You just have to laugh at the Angry Left. How can these people expect
anyone to take them seriously when they publish books with titles like 'The
Big Lies of George W. Bush and the Big Lying Liars of George W. Bush Who
Tell Them?' - and their hero is Bill Clinton? Reasonable people can disagree
with Bush policies, of course, but constantly calling him a 'liar' serves
only to remind people of how honest he is compared with his predecessor."

- James Taranto, Best of the Web, 10/3/03

The Ol' Double Standard

"The double standards of some on the press corps continue to astound. When
former president Bill Clinton was sued in court for sexual harassment of
women who either worked for him or were in positions of vulnerability, the
liberal media said it was irrelevant. Feminists decried the women who came
forward; political apparatchiks called them 'trailer-trash;' liberals
re-described sexual harassment as a harmless romp-around in the Oval Office.
Even now, it's almost impossible to get liberal feminists to decry Clinton's
abusive behavior.

"Now here comes Arnold Schwarzenegger. No one has filed suit against him for
anything. No one even came forward to accuse him of anything. None of the
allegedly abused women worked directly for him. But the Los Angeles Times
set up its own dragnet, scouring for dirt and came up with six women over
three decades, four of whom remain anonymous. And they do this only days
away from the recall election, and just after Schwarzenegger has opened up a
real lead in the polls. This is about as transparent a smear as you can

- Columnist Andrew Sullivan

Conservative Paper of Record Backs Arnold

"We understand why principled conservative Californians would consider
voting for state Sen. Tom McClintock -who is a solid, experienced and
admirable conservative across a broader range of conservative concerns. But,
in elections, it is the results that matter. Somebody will be sitting in the
governor's chair after the election, raising or lowering taxes, cutting or
not cutting budgets.

"Assuming the recall wins, there is no plausible view of the current state
of public opinion that would put Mr. McClintock in that chair. It will be
occupied by either Mr. Schwarzenegger or Lt. Gov. Cruz Bustamante. While a
principled vote for a candidate with whom you agree is always a civically
virtuous act, we are convinced that sensible, conservative policies are more
likely to become law if Mr. Schwarzenegger wins the election, and restores a
platform from which traditional conservative voices can be heard."

- Washington Times editorial, 10/3/03

Reconstruction Aid Raising Ruckus on Right

"Opposition is growing in Congress to the Bush administration's $20.3
billion request for rebuilding Iraq. . . . In the days since President Bush
unveiled the plan, a cadre of both congressional Republicans and Democrats
have argued that Iraqi oil revenues should be used to rebuild the country's
infrastructure - millions of dollars for infrastructure items like building
a postal system, improving the nation's power grid and restoring wetlands. .
. . Meanwhile, a handful of conservative Republicans, including Republican
Study Group chair Rep. Sue Myrick (N.C) and Rep. Jeff Flake (Ariz.), said
the $20 billion should be offered only as a loan or be offset by cuts in the
federal budget."

-, 10/3/03

Big Boo-Boo on Rebuilding Bucks

"You've got $20 billion for things like garbage trucks and English language
training programs and college courses.  That should be paid for by Iraqi oil
money. They're sitting on a trillion dollars worth of oil.  The White House
has really made a big mistake on this one."

- Steve Moore, president, Club for Growth

SURVEY SAYS!:  How to Handle That $20 Billion in Iraqi Reconstruction Aid

Part of the President's $87 billion war supplemental request includes some
$20 billion in reconstruction aid.  As proposed by the administration, this
money would be simply given to Iraq as a grant.  However, some Republicans
are suggesting that this money be extended instead as a loan, to be repaid
with the country's vast oil reserves once up and running again.  Some
Democrats, on the other hand, are saying the $20 billion should be financed
by repealing some of the president's tax cuts for the "rich."  And other
conservatives are saying the $20 billion should be offset with $20 billion
in spending cuts, particularly in foreign aid.  Still others think the $20
billion should be rejected outright.  What do you think? Cast your online
vote by going to the "Survey Says" page at

Big Surprise: Gun Control Doesn't Work

"A sweeping federal review of the nation's gun control laws -- including
mandatory waiting periods and bans on certain weapons -- found no proof such
measures reduce firearm violence.  The review, released Thursday, was
conducted by a task force of scientists appointed by the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention."

- Associated Press, 10/3/03

An Idea Whose Time Has Come

"Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-Colo.) plans to introduce a rule to abolish all
race-based congressional caucuses. The rule would banish all caucuses
created on the basis of ethnicity, such as the Black, Hispanic and Asian
Pacific caucuses. . . . Tancredo told The Hill: 'You should not have any
organization, a caucus especially, based solely on race. I mean on issues?
You bet. But on race? Why should we be separating ourselves up into these
racial divisions?' . . . Not surprisingly, members of the Congressional
Black and Hispanic caucuses denounced Tancredo."

- The Hill, 10/1/03

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Another Democrat Mugged By Reality

"For years, I believed that if we gave the schools enough money, they would
reform themselves.  I now see that the school system will only reform under
pressure from the outside - and that is through school choice."

- Democrat District of Columbia City Councilman Kevin Chavous, Washington
Times, 10/2/03

The Case Against Vouchers

There is no doubt that the primary opposition to providing school vouchers
to Washington, DC's poor kids is fueled by opposition of the teachers unions
who are scared to death of competition.  The threat to their monopoly of
under-performing education camps is something the unionists and educrats can
't and won't stomach under any circumstance.

However, there are actually legitimate, credible, conservative reasons for
opposing the current plan to provide federal money for a DC voucher program,
as articulated by (who else?) Rep. Ron Paul, Texas Republican.  You can read
why Rep. Paul opposes the DC voucher bill by going to:

Drug Abuse

"Congress is about to pass the largest expansion of the welfare state since
1965," notes a new website dedicated to defeating the pending new universal
Medicare prescription drug entitlement currently being debated in a
congressional conference committee.  This is a horrible idea for anyone
interested in limited government, but conservatives are torn between their
principles and loyalty to their president, who has indicated he'll sign ANY
prescription drug bill that hits his desk.  For more information on this
crucial issue and to sign a petition opposing this budget-busting scheme,

Energetic Pork-Fest

"Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) added his voice to the bitter rancor surrounding
the energy conference, calling the latest draft of the bill, an 'Iranian
bazaar,' heaped with goodies for special interests. . . . He said the
legislation should be called the 'No Lobbyist Left Behind Act,' and vowed to
fight some of the measures."

- The Hill, 10/1/03

Religious Conservatives Issue Threat

"Representatives from 25 pro-family groups came to the nation's capital
Thursday, vowing to pass a federal marriage amendment and defeat any
politician who supports same-sex marriage. . . . 'There is not a politician
in America today who will get away without being very specific about where
he or she stands on this issue,' said Gary Bauer, president of American
Values. 'We pledge to defeat any politician who is AWOL or in doubt about
the definition of marriage as being between a man and a woman.'"

-, 10/3/03

More Enthusiasm for Stopping Gay Marriage Than Stopping Abortion

"I have been involved in the pro-life and pro-family movement since Roe v.
Wade was decided in 1973. Even considering the enthusiasm with which the
pro-family movement came together in the 70's and 80's, I have yet to see
the movement as energized as it is over the defense of marriage.  I know how
difficult it is to pass a constitutional amendment, but I am convinced that
the sentiment is so strong and so deep on this issue that it will be
possible to pass such an amendment."

- Paul Weyrich, president, Free Congress Foundation

Time to Close Outmoded Post Offices

"In a letter to Congressional leaders, eleven former Commissioners who
served on the Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) Commission endorsed a new
plan to apply the BRAC model to closing unneeded U.S. Postal Service (USPS)
facilities.  The plan was originally proposed this summer by a panel
appointed by President Bush to consider the future of the USPS. It is among
the findings currently under review on Capitol Hill and by the Bush
Administration for possible legislative action.  'Because of its vast and
outdated infrastructure, the U.S. Postal Service would benefit from the same
kind of dispassionate review that we applied to the Department of Defense,'
the letter said."

- Lexington Institute, 10/1/03

GOP Quagmire in War Against Big Government

"A long time ago, by which I mean the year 2000, conservatives didn't want
to expand the size and reach of government. Today, it's plain their
sentiments have changed. They still don't want Democrats to expand the size
and reach of government. But when Republicans do it - well, let the good
times roll.

"Being a libertarian, I often disagree with conservatives. But conservatives
have traditionally shared the libertarian view that the central government
is too big, too expensive, too powerful and too intrusive. Lately, though,
they've been AWOL on the issue.

"This is quite a change. Ronald Reagan earned a place in history with his
efforts to scale back the federal mammoth. And Republicans have invoked the
same theme ever since. 'Big government is not the answer,' George W. Bush
said during the 2000 campaign.

"Back then, Mr. Bush warned that if Al Gore were elected, he would boost
federal spending, enlarge the federal bureaucracy, expand entitlements and -
this is my favorite - 'throw the budget out of balance.' Most likely Mr.
Bush was right. What he didn't tell us is that if Mr. Gore were defeated,
the same things would happen.

"Mr. Bush's Inauguration was to big government what the repeal of
Prohibition was to distillers. He has yet to propose the abolition of a
single major federal program, and he has lavished money on many of them.

"...It's hard to blame all this on Democrats in Congress, since (1)
Democrats don't control either house of Congress and (2) Mr. Bush has never
vetoed a spending bill. By contrast, his father, never a favorite of the
right, repeatedly used his veto power to keep spending under control.

"...If a Democratic president had done all this, Republicans would be
howling, and with good reason. But they tamely accept these policies from
George W. Bush. Losing the battle against big government is a misfortune,
but not a disgrace. Surrendering your principles without a fight - now,
that's something to be embarrassed about."

- Columnist Stephen Chapman

Affordable Campaign Websites!

Now you can get professional-looking campaign web sites for as little as $10
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Campaign Site Builder can be used for political organizations and
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Published by Citizen Outreach
Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
Washington, DC  20003-4303

Citizen Outreach is a 501(c)(3) non-profit public policy organization and
does not endorse candidates or lobby for specific legislation.  The opinions
and views expressed in Chuck Muth's News & Views reflect those of the
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