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Now...About That $20 Billion, Mr. President

Part of the President's $87 billion war supplemental request includes some
$20 billion in reconstruction aid.  As proposed by the administration, this
money would be simply given to Iraq as a grant.  However, some Republicans
are suggesting that this money be extended instead as a loan, to be repaid
with the country's vast oil reserves once up and running again.  Some
Democrats, on the other hand, are saying the $20 billion should be financed
by repealing some of the president's tax cuts for the "rich."  And other
conservatives are saying the $20 billion should be offset with $20 billion
in spending cuts, particularly in foreign aid.  Still others think the $20
billion should be rejected outright.  What do you think? Cast your online
vote by going to the "Survey Says" page at

Dear Congress

Just so y'all know, your responses to our regular online surveys serve a
definite purpose.  I referred to your responses to recent surveys in a
letter to Members of Congress yesterday urging them not to get bogged down
in a political "quagmire" in the war against Big Government, even if it
meant finding themselves in opposition to the White House.  You can read the
text of the letter - which was faxed to congressional offices over the
weekend - by clicking on the "Dear Congress" button at

Forget Where's Waldo, Where Are the WMD's?

"The question is not whether Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.
The mystery is: What did he do with them?"

- Clifford May, president of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies

French Democrats

"Unfortunately, Democrats seem to see (President Bush) as their enemy. It
would be nice if they could put aside their lust for power and focus their
ire on America's true enemy - the terrorists."

- Columnist Oliver North

The Rush to Silence Speech

"In the current tempest in a teapot over what Rush Limbaugh said about the
National Football League, neither ESPN nor Rush himself will pay any serious
price. He doesn't need the job and apparently feels he doesn't need the
hassle.  The question of the validity of what was said has already been lost
in the shuffle. In a sense, that doesn't matter. What matters enormously is
whether people lose the freedom to say what they think. That loss is a loss
to all of us, those who agree and those who disagree."

- Columnist Thomas Sowell

Nah, There's No Liberal Bias In the Media

"For your readers it might be interesting for them to be informed of how the
Los Angeles Times covered the controversy about Arnold's admiration of
Hitler.  It was a large-print front page story dealing with his admiration
of Hitler.  It was a page 22 small story that the quote was out of context.
Slash-and-burn page one; retraction on page 22."

- News & Views subscriber Barry Levy

Of Saints and Sinners

"Arnold (Schwarzenegger) isn't Mother Teresa, and I join those who disagree
with his positions on abortion and gun control. But in present-day
California, he is clearly the first hope and best chance for successfully
countering the state's economic woes. He possesses the character, wit and
courage to create a partnership between himself and the governed that
encourages the proposition the state treasury should be used for the benefit
of all and that the state doesn't have unfettered and unaccountable claim on
the people's largess."

- Columnist and historian William Goldcamp

Miller Time

"He's a Hollywood celebrity. And he's smart. He's one of the country's
favorite comedians. And he's a conservative. Wipe that smirk off your face
and meet a patriotic entertainer."  So says the introduction to a
rip-roaring interview with Dennis Miller in the current edition of The
American Enterprise magazine.  His dream matchup for the 2008 presidential
race:  Condoleeza Rice vs. Hillary Clinton, "an imagined track record versus
a real track record."  You can read it online by going to:

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* And a small portion of each bill goes to help continue publishing our FREE
Chuck Muth's News & Views e-newsletter.  Just go to:

Medical Armageddon

"Between now and 2011, CBO predicts, the government will spend all surplus
Social Security revenue and still run deficits.  Yet, President Bush and
Republican congressional leaders are pushing ahead with a new federal
entitlement in the form of a Medicare prescription drug benefit. CBO
estimates it will cost about $430 billion over 10 years - even before most
Baby Boomers retire.  If it becomes law, fiscal Armageddon arrives sooner
rather than later."

- Columnist Terence Jeffrey

Creating Jobs

"Today, the Democrats are invoking the Great Depression once again, this
time to compare George W. Bush's presidency with that of Herbert Hoover's as
only the second time in modern history a president has 'lost' more American
jobs than he 'created.' Never mind that presidents don't create jobs in the
first place, except for those in the federal government.

- Columnist Linda Chavez

The Union Label

"Wiping his eyes and choking up, Democratic presidential candidate Dick
Gephardt of Missouri addressed a Teamsters rally in Des Moines on Aug. 9,
eight days after receiving the union's endorsement from General President
James Hoffa. . . . (G)iven the recent 'settlement stipulation' between the
Teamsters and Overnite Transportation Co., against which the Teamsters
unsuccessfully waged a three-year organization campaign that included
pervasive violence and intimidation, Mr. Gephardt clearly is not the only
person brought to tears by the Teamsters.

"According to the 'settlement,' the Teamsters union and its officers shall
cease and desist from actions such as 'Brandishing or carrying any weapon of
any kind, including, but not limited to, guns, knives, slingshots, rocks,
ball bearings, liquid-filled balloons or other projectiles, sledge hammers,
bricks, sticks or two-by-fours at or near any picket line.' They are also
barred from 'Using or threatening to use a weapon of any kind, including . .
. hot coffee, bottles, two-by-fours, lit cigarettes, eggs or bags of
balloons filled with excrement against any non-striking Overnite employee or
security guard.'

"Also, Mr. Hoffa's Teamsters are barred from 'Threatening to kill or inflict
bodily harm, making throat-slashing motions, making gun-pointing motions,
challenging or threatening to fight or assault employees, threatening to
sexually assault non-striking employees or their family members, threatening
to follow non-striking employees to their homes, using racial epithets or
obscene gestures at non-striking employees.'"

- Washington Times editorial, 10/5/03

Things Getting Ugly Over Caucasian Club

"Lisa McClelland has been called a white racist, a fat, white neo-Nazi, KKK
girl and a host of obscenity-laced insults since she decided to start a
Caucasian Club at her California high school.  A gang of girls threatened to
beat her up. Flyers have appeared on campus urging students to boycott her
club. A teacher told her in front of the class that he'd rather see her
'drugged out and pregnant' than on the news talking about her club.

"But Lisa, a 15-year-old freshman at Freedom High School in Oakley, Calif.,
refuses to give up.

"...The stream of threats has infuriated her mother, Debi Neely, who has
warned school officials that she'll take legal action if anyone harms her
daughter. So far, she said, Principal Eric Volta has dealt promptly with
those menacing Lisa."

- Washington Times, 10/5/03

Affordable Campaign Websites!

Now you can get professional-looking campaign web sites for as little as $10
a month.  That's right...just ten smackeroos a month.  Here's what's
included in this fantastic new program from Campaign Secrets, Inc.
(available ONLY to Republican candidates):

* Free Hosting
* Unique Domain Name
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* Event Calendar
* Volunteer Sign-up Page
* Built-in Bulk Emailer

Campaign Site Builder can be used for political organizations and
non-profits, as well.  For more information, just go to:

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Published by Citizen Outreach
Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
Washington, DC  20003-4303

Citizen Outreach is a 501(c)(3) non-profit public policy organization and
does not endorse candidates or lobby for specific legislation.  The opinions
and views expressed in Chuck Muth's News & Views reflect those of the
writers, editors and columnists therein and do not necessarily reflect the
opinions of Citizen Outreach, its officers, directors or employees.

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